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Mentions of Rigden Djappo in various literary sources

  • 07.10.2015
  • 94
  • 10161

In this article we will make no analytical inventions, but will only refer to mentions of Rigden Djappo, the Shambala Sovereign, which we have recently found in some literary sources. Unfortunately, such sources are far from being numerous, and so today the Sovereign’s mythical name is under a cloak of insuperable secrecy.

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Turkic messiah Geser Khan, Burkhan Bator, or God’s Warrior

  • 17.10.2015
  • 108
  • 29572

    In this article we suggest to supplement the integrated and versatile outline of the Essence of the image of Messiah, Rigden Djappo, Archangel Gabriel, Imam Mahdi, Kalki Avatar, Maitreya, etc. who is mentioned in nearly all religions, traditions, and legends. We still persist in our daring opinion that all the aforesaid names belong to the Single One – the Holy Spirit. Who is he? What is his role in humanity’s destiny? And at which times does he come? Here we will speak about epos and legends of Turkic peoples: Buryats, Mongols, Kazakhs, Altaians, and Tibetans, and about the grains of knowledge those peoples managed to preserve over ages. We will speak of Geser Khan, Abai Geser, or Burkhan Bator. And the major source of information about this mysterious personality is the heroic Epic of King Geser (Gesar).

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Théun Mares. Quote from Return of the Warriors

  • 22.11.2015
  • 106
  • 6923

    The next discovery is writer Théun Mares (4 July 1952 – 5 September 2011), born in Zimbabwe. He was one of the keepers of Toltec teaching, which he passed on in his books and on personal seminars to all who desired. We are not really interested in Mares’ personality or practical self-improvement experience. We refer to him due to an intriguing and somewhat prophetic literary extract from his book Return of the Warriors, where people from the cold North (as Slavs are usually described) and the One Truth are mentioned. Certainly, the extract has a rather indirect relation to our issue, however, as we know, many great events in history were predicted by fantasy writers long before emergence of such events.

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One of the Quran riddles is unravelled! Jibrail, al-Kawthar and Geser Khan...

  • 11.12.2015
  • 109
  • 12213

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful! The Holy Quran is a revelation sent by Almighty Allah via Angel Jibrail to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

Human mind is not always able to grasp the entire depth and meaning of the revelation. Even today a number of the Quran verses remain unclarified, and one of the major riddles is Surah 108 Al-Kawthar which means The Abundance. This obscure word has caused disputes and disagreements among translators. They cannot come to a single opinion on neither pronunciation nor translation, therefore this word is interpreted differently, mostly as abundance and prosperity. Yet, let us venture to assume the Surah title is one of names or epithets of the most faithful and greatest of Almighty Allah’s Angels – Angel Jibrail (Gabriel)! Being the mentor of all prophets and fulfilling Allah’s Will, Jibrail communicated Allah’s Covenants to the prophets and revealed His Will to them!

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Ezoosmos. Contents.

  • 25.12.2015
  • 266
  • 438182

Ezoosmos book consists of three parts containing three stories with participation of the main character Sensei. This book discusses issues of life and death; the multidimensional human structure; the issue of time; and what is beyond the matter boundaries. Furthermore, a theme of energy parasites and destructors present in the human society is taken up at length, including mechanisms of their destructive activities and means of protection against their influence. The last part of the book is devoted to Geliars, the warriors of Light...

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About the last Christmas. Let’s find out what the Pope said

  • 26.12.2015
  • 80
  • 9480

    In the last days Runet was stirred up by the Pope’s apocalyptic statement that this could be the last Christmas in the human history. After we published an article about the last Pope on our website in view of the Fatima prophecy and St. Malachy’s predictions, we couldn’t disregard the news and attempted to clarify whether the following loud journalist wordings are true: “Pope Francis has declared this will be our last Christmas” and “Pope has declared the beginning of the third world war”. Actually, judging by such bleak assumptions as declared to the crowd in St. Peter’s Square, everything coincides and we could be in the position to support the news.

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Scandinavian prophecies of the coming of Jesus, given in the last century

  • 19.01.2016
  • 123
  • 15075

    This prophecy was made by a 90-year-old Norwegian woman from Valdres in 1968 and concerns events that will take place before the Second Coming of Christ. Evangelist Emanuel Minos once wrote down the prophecy and put it aside, thinking it’s not verisimilar. While looking through his records recently, he realized in astonishment: what seemed improbable in the past has proved to be normal in our society. 

    That Norwegian woman showed herself as passionate Christian and had a good reputation among those who knew her. This is what she saw: 

    “I saw the time before the coming of Jesus and the outbreak of the Third World War. I saw the world like a king of a globe and saw Europe, land by land. I saw Scandinavia and Norway; saw certain things to take place just before Jesus’ return and troubles that we’ve never experienced before.” 

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What destroyed Mohenjo Daro?

  • 06.03.2016
  • 276
  • 49093

Mohenjo Daro (literally the Mound of the Dead Men) was a city in the ancient Indus Valley Civilization that emerged around 2600 BC. A relevant archaeological site is located in the current province of Sindh, Pakistan. It’s the largest ancient city of the Indus Valley Civilization, and one of the world’s earliest urban settlements in the history of South Asia, contemporaneous to the civilizations of ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. Archaeologists first attended Mohenjo Daro in 1911. Regular excavations were carried out between 1922 and 1931. John Marshall who was in charge of the British expedition noted the “identity” of Mohenjo Daro finds with those from Harappa discovered 400 km upstream the Indus River. Later major series of excavations were conducted in 1950 and 1964, but the American expedition activity in 1964-1965 was terminated due to weathering damage to the exposed structures. In 1980 Mohenjo Daro was designated an UNESCO World Heritage Site. Mohenjo Daro perimeter reaches five kilometres. The city area is divided into blocks (“islands”) of the same size (384 metres from the north to the south and 228 metres from the west to the east). Each block is in turn “cut” by straight or curved streets.

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The planet is getting warmer! Climate change: visualisation, 1850 through 2016

  • 08.09.2016
  • 123
  • 5353

It is difficult for many of us to realize the reality of the accelerating global climate change on the planet, and alarming notices seem especially unlikely when there is nice September weather outside. At the same time, I totally understand plenty of messages are spread nowadays in order to frighten people, and whichever way we look there are warnings: attention, beware, danger! – of which we are already so tired. While preparing this material, I would not like to become similar to unconscious conductors of the Animal Mind System who intimidate the population by approaching terrible cataclysms, however, unfortunately, it’s very unwise to underestimate the situation as well.

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Predictions by Elder Antony. Is his meeting with Sensei true or fictional?

  • 16.09.2016
  • 367
  • 28394

Several years ago on my personal blog I posted an article entitled Elder Antony. Who is he? Is his meeting with Sensei true or fictional?, where I mentioned how a friend of mine discovered interesting coincidences in descriptions of the elder’s appearance in Birds and a Stone book by Anastasia Novykh (the old monk with whom Sensei met) and in Spiritual Conversations and Guidance book. These two works of literature greatly vary in content, so I never had doubt they were written by different authors at different time. Moreover, I remember very well that I encountered the second book as long ago as in 2002-2004 when it was sold under-the-counter at religious literature stalls (e.g. near metro stations in Kiev) because it was prohibited by the Church, though being actively spread among Orthodox believers. I recall someone even told me where and how I could buy it.

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Imperishable Khambo Lama Itigilov

  • 25.04.2017
  • 213
  • 66170

Who is this man?

Dashi-Dorzho Itigilov is Pandido Khambo Lama XII, the head of Buddhists of Buryatia. Pandido Khambo Lama is a Buddhist title roughly translated from Sanskrit as “the most learned lama”, where pandid means “learned”.

Historical and modern sources as well as archive documents contain various spellings of the surname of Pandido Khambo Lama XII: Etigiley, Etigelov, Itigilov, etc. The Buddhist Traditional Sangha of Russia has adopted the spelling of his surname in accordance with the lama’s own signature in Russian.

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Stars in the pocket and on the table

  • 03.05.2017
  • 267
  • 11673

Very often we can hear a standard phrase said by different people: “In our age of high technology…” Well, we do live in the age of high technology, and the latter becomes further more advanced. This is how our civilization is developing. We are surrounded with technologies and have plenty of appliances in our houses and apartments, intended to facilitate our existence on this planet and make it more comfortable, although existence remains mere existence, no matter whether you run about with a stick in your hand or a cell phone in your pocket.

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Pyramids of the world: Part 1. Egypt. The Orion constellation

  • 01.06.2017
  • 87
  • 14619

Part 1: Egyptian pyramids

Brief descriptions are mostly taken from


There is also a remarkable link to the Lepsius list of pyramids (, where a great number of smaller and ruined pyramids are collected. This is, so to say, just in case somebody needs more information. After all, main information sources pay attention to the most significant complexes only.

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Pyramids of the world: Egypt (continued). Maps composed by Karl Lepsius

  • 01.06.2017
  • 66
  • 4780

This is an addition to the article Pyramids of the world: Part 1. Egypt. The Orion constellation, regarding the “star map”.


The extraordinary Wikiwand, full of interesting information, has pleased with the Lepsius list of pyramids. Karl Lepsius was a prominent Prussian archaeologist who visited Egypt in 1842 and composed a list of all the monuments of ancient architecture that he saw on his trip. Below there are maps drawn by Lepsius where relevant Egyptian pyramids are marked, and here is the list itself with information on the pyramids:

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In quest of... The 11th century. India, Japan. Part Seven

  • 09.06.2017
  • 77
  • 6767

Continuing our search of the radiant traces left on the Earth by our remote ancestors in the 11th century, we have now arrived to India. This land is said to be the cradle of the human race and speech, the mother of history, the grandmother of legends, and the great grandmother of traditions. Hindu culture formed of various historical epochs, customs, traditions and ideas, including those of invaders and immigrants. Many local customs, features, languages, monuments, etc. are referred to as examples of such centuries-old cultural blending.

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Seven years in magic, or How the animal mind system deceives humanity

  • 16.10.2017
  • 195
  • 6601

I would like to share my experience of learning the so-called “magic tradition”. This should be especially interesting for those familiar with such terms as the assemblage point, the awareness centre, lucid dreams, karmic knots, the Sephirot Tree, arcana, conduct of energies, varnas, chakras, fireballs, stalking, personal history, places of power, and so on. To give readers at least a general view of this “tradition”, I will have to describe certain major points and subtleties.

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When the “boot” will creak... Will people hear? Prediction about Italy

  • 03.02.2018
  • 339
  • 32961

Let’s refer to prehistory, so that the subject would be clearer. The well-known climate report prepared by an international group of researchers of AllatRa IPM, which warns about the approaching period of global climate changes on the planet, was issued in 2014. Some people have read it, others cast a cursory glance at relevant online notices, while still others have disregarded it. At that, since the condition of society and the political situation in the world keep aggravating, a conclusion arises that most of humanity have not treated the aforesaid report seriously. “Show us a miracle, then we will trust you,” a quote from the Consciousness and Personality program automatically comes to mind, denoting the words with which people have being meeting prophets throughout the history of mankind. Well, unfortunately, history is repeating itself again.

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Consciousness and Personality.
From the inevitably dead
to the eternally alive
  • <small>Consciousness and Personality. <br/>From the inevitably dead <br/>to the eternally alive</small>


The Truth is One for Everybody
  • The coming cataclysms. Relations between people. Revival of humaneness


  • Illusion and the Way


  • LIFE


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