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Who we are

  • 12.09.2015
  • 18
  • 4006

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The Shiite prophecy of the Hidden Imam is coming true!

  • 18.09.2015
  • 76
  • 13961

    In Sunni Islam the subject of Imam Mahdi is not elucidated as widely as in the Shiite branch of Islam. Let’s remind to our readers that Sunnism and Shiism are the two major denominations of Islam, established in order to separate and cause contradictions between followers of Prophet Muhammad’s Teaching.

    So, in Sunnism the Advent of Mahdi is not awaited so much, but Shiites have it totally differently. They believe Mahdi is the hidden, long-expected 12th Imam. He has been in concealment until the hour appointed by Allah, and at the appointed hour He will come to the earth to guide Muslims and give the Knowledge on how people should establish a kingdom of justice and prosperity.

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  • 19.09.2015
  • 15
  • 712

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Who is Rigden Djappo? References in Nicholas Roerich's works.

  • 21.09.2015
  • 464
  • 532240

Searching for references to enigmatic Rigden Djappo, we have found information on the internet regarding famous artist and mystic Nicholas Roerich. So, who is Rigden Djappo? This mysterious and powerful character is not fully disclosed until today, whereas stories about the Red Horseman are available as legends and myths of ancient peoples. Publicly accessible information is given below.

After the search for the sake of gaining a general understanding, we have run against a strange, but irrefutable fact: there are very few records of Rigden Djappo remaining. Understanding of the available records without a relevant spiritual basis provokes well-grounded doubts, whereas people who are totally unfamiliar with the subject regard such records as fantastic and illusive at all. We have established that the most direct and unmasked references are present in literary works and paintings by Nikolai Konstantinovich (Nicholas) Roerich (09.10.1874 – 13.12.1947), Russian artist, philosopher, writer, traveller, archaeologist, public figure, and founder of international cultural movements such as “Peace through Culture” and “The Banner of Peace”.

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Lilies. A fortuity or Good Tidings?

  • 26.09.2015
  • 149
  • 23133

Continuing the investigation of the phenomena of programmes The Meaning of Life: Immortality and "A Frank Dialogue about the Most Important with Igor Mikhaylovich Danilov, we were surprised with the fact of presence of lilies in the background in both programmes. What is behind the symbolism of interior decoration with the same type of flowers in two different programmes? Is this a fortuity? We attempted to look into the issue and discovered a new confirmation of our assumptions.

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A Frank Dialogue about the Most Important (interview No. 1, 20.08.2015)

  • 26.09.2015
  • 347
  • 32935

Viewed in the programme A Frank Dialogue about the Most Important:

  • The sense of human life
  • What the spiritual world is like
  • The genuine human nature
  • Wisdom of spiritual healing. Unknown facts about Agapit of Pechersk
  • Where is the soul situated, and can it be ill?
  • Can blood transfusion or organ transplantation influence a person’s spiritual component?
  • What the power of thought and attention means
  • Time and vital energy. People’s invaluable resources
  • A human being as an angel forerunner. The way to immortality
  • True life or temporary existence. How to separate the wheat from the chaff
  • Genuine service to the spiritual world. The lost Truth about Christ
  • Knowledge that unites people. How to establish a creative society nowadays
  • The gift of freedom and the true love. What everyone strives for in actual fact

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Archangel Gabriel mentioned in the Poem of the Sufi Way by Umar Ibn al-Farid

  • 26.09.2015
  • 105
  • 17440

We have received very interesting news this morning! We’ve been hinted there is a reference to Archangel Gabriel in the epic Poem of the Sufi Way by Sufi poet Umar Ibn al-Farid, which is translated from Arabic to several other languages. Below, there is a semantic (unrhymed) translation of the relevant extract from the Poem:

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141 Foresights. Poem by Eugene Gusev

  • 19.10.2015
  • 167
  • 25746

    We couldn’t overlook a prophetic poem by Eugene Gusev, which has become quite popular on the internet. Despite the obscurity and vagueness of his predictions, the poem contains some very clear specifics that we’ve highlighted in red. As for everything else, readers are welcome to guess in their comments.

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What ancient Teaching did Vanga foresee? Bulgarian clairvoyant’s predictions

  • 21.10.2015
  • 119
  • 37428

    Once again we’ve discovered that Vanga, one of the most authoritative visionaries of our times, directly indicated the advent of some Anointed Sovereign and an ancient Teaching to the earth. Circumstances emerge in an amazing way, and every day new facts appear as if out of thin air, for us to collect them into a general set of evidence necessary for those who need a well-reasoned confirmation of our seemingly improbable hypothesis. We should admit the website creation was associated with a bright emotional impulse, while today such impulse is replaced with a sober exploratory consideration. We continue looking for and analysing information and welcome you, our dear not indifferent reader, to join our captivating search. 

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Chilam Balam: Mayan mysterious manuscripts. Seven Angels, seven ages

  • 28.10.2015
  • 152
  • 15562

    Continuing the search of records in ancient sources regarding not just the Messiah advent, but also predictions with respect to our epoch as a decisive time, a sort of time crossroads, the time of global human choice, we should certainly mention Maya Indians, the ancient American aboriginal population. It’s no secret that the 2012 end of the world date was widely advertised. Everyone knew about it, studied, feared, and lent an attentive ear to information on the end of Maya calendar and assumptions on what would take place afterwards. Nonetheless, the predicted doomsday didn’t happen, and people quickly started forgetting the subject, in spite of the fact it’s rather interesting and informative. In actual fact, a lot of things of the foretold have come true, though we admit most of predictions are most likely simply unintelligible for us, people with prevailing materialistic world outlook.

    Thus, here we will speak of Mayan mysterious manuscripts called CHILAM BALAM and the 7 Angels (ages) mentioned therein.

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XXX: Program about Geliars. 4-hour interview contents (June 2014)

  • 03.12.2015
  • 111
  • 12407

Herein we present detailed contents of the epoch-making interview XXX: Program about Geliars that was released on Youtube in June 2014. In this video Igor Danilov (Rigden Djappo) was behind the scenes. It was the first “mediate meeting” with the Bodhisattva’s living voice which anyone who desires can now hear in the above video. Right after its release the interview was taken to quotes, cut into short videos and used for innumerable banners. It is indeed very interesting, in our opinion. Established social and religious norms unexpectedly appear to us in a totally different light. In the interview nearly all the essential questions of the meaning and purpose of human life are addressed, to which a person would like to get answers one way or another.

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One of the Quran riddles is unravelled! Jibrail, al-Kawthar and Geser Khan...

  • 11.12.2015
  • 109
  • 12213

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful! The Holy Quran is a revelation sent by Almighty Allah via Angel Jibrail to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

Human mind is not always able to grasp the entire depth and meaning of the revelation. Even today a number of the Quran verses remain unclarified, and one of the major riddles is Surah 108 Al-Kawthar which means The Abundance. This obscure word has caused disputes and disagreements among translators. They cannot come to a single opinion on neither pronunciation nor translation, therefore this word is interpreted differently, mostly as abundance and prosperity. Yet, let us venture to assume the Surah title is one of names or epithets of the most faithful and greatest of Almighty Allah’s Angels – Angel Jibrail (Gabriel)! Being the mentor of all prophets and fulfilling Allah’s Will, Jibrail communicated Allah’s Covenants to the prophets and revealed His Will to them!

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Extraordinary New Year’s Appeal to All Inhabitants of the World

  • 31.12.2015
  • 534
  • 132595

An extraordinary New Year’s appeal from the Point of View analyst team, on the eve of 2016:

- to Presidents and political leaders of all countries of the globe;
- to religious and public figures;
- to those who believe in God, regardless of religions or confessions;
- to all ordinary people of all nationalities, without any exception…

Dear friends, we hurry to wish you a happy New Year. The year 2016 has arrived, and this is the right time to make the following statement.

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Poem of the Sufi Way by Umar Ibn al-Farid

  • 26.01.2016
  • 397
  • 536544

    Recently we have discovered a marvellous illustration to the topics touched upon in the epoch-making program The Meaning of Life: Immortality, where Bodhisattva Rigden Djappo participated. It’s the ancient literature masterpiece dating back almost 1,000 years – the brilliant Poem of the Sufi Way (Naẓm al-Sulūk) by ancient Arab Sufi mystic and scholar Umar ibn `Alī ibn al-Fārid who lived in 1181-1235. This work, also having such titles as the Great Qasida (Ode), Great Mystery, Poem of the Way, Poem of Progress, or the Way of the Pious, is a unique phenomenon in the world poetry, psychology and spiritual literature. The author poetically communicates experience of a man who is becoming saint, describing in human language what is almost impossible to describe, i.e. the process taking place in the other world, the spiritual world, at the junction of the 6th and 7th dimensions. It’s exactly the process of the Personality fusion with the Soul and the birth of a new spiritual being – an Angel!

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Home of the Most Holy Mother of God

  • 15.02.2016
  • 162
  • 11195

    Nowadays, Kiev Pechersk Lavra is a famous male monastery. Yet, not many people are aware of the historical fact that the Kiev Pechersk cloister initially accommodated both a nunnery and a monastery, representing a unique combination of female and male monastic communities and an abode for all people who endeavoured to learn their inner spiritual world, regardless of their nationality, age or sex. The nunnery (maiden convent), further referred to as the Ascension Convent, was an integral part of the Pechersk monastery complex and occupied one of central locations on the “holy mountain” – the place indicated by the Mother of God to Elder Antony.

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Conversations with Imam. First one:” The spirituality about which we, for some reason, do not know”.

  • 27.02.2016
  • 635
  • 39059

    We start the series of articles "Conversations with Imam," and in order to avoid speculations we will immediately make a reservation, a person who gives an interview is not Mahdi! In our opinion, strictly speaking, it does not really matter who he is and what is much more important is the essence of the information provided, but it is, just believe me, is worthy of attention of every searching, spiritually cognizing and reasonable person. Even the first of the planned meetings has brought us a lot of unexpected revelations and awareness in the issues concerning the real spirituality. But not the one which is well-known to all of us through the orthodox religion, theosophy, esoteric, and new-fangled "New Age", based on stereotypes of consciousness, magical ritualism, sacred and book dogmatics, for which, unfortunately, very few people are able to discern the true plan of the Almighty and the right course in motion to Him.  Finally, despite the fact that the misconception about the relationship between " a man and God" has been inculcated and kept up in the society for ages, which is confirmed by the full of tragic lines a chronicle of civilization, we humbly and consistently will try to consider and express that new, or rather well-forgotten old introduced Primordial Knowledge. Due to this Knowledge, everyone, without exception, can understand the essence of what is happening around and save the most valuable, which is one's Soul.
We hope that all the readers will find in these conversations a lot of cognitive information

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The Quran witnesses...

  • 13.04.2016
  • 171
  • 9733

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful!
Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds!


In this article we have made an attempt, based on ayat and surahs of the Holy Quran, to clearly demonstrate that the AllatRa book has been indeed given to humanity by Imam MAHDI – Archangel Gabriel! It is certainly a very difficult task to draw parallels and provide relevant evidence in just a single article, therefore we truly hope that, if Allah’s Will permits, this article will be in the forefront and will be followed by other subject-extending articles which will allow many people faithful to Almighty Allah to see the Truth!

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Conversations with Imam. Conversation No.3: ”The salvation of the Soul”

  • 08.05.2016
  • 614
  • 31726

Here is the long-awaited third conversation with Imam on the salvation of the Soul, many probably tired of waiting for it, we are sorry, but it turns out that the most important spiritually valuable things meet on the way of their implementation with some obstacles. On the one hand, we are a little used to it and somewhere put up with it, but on the other hand, time slips through fingers like sand and someone invisible urges forward, reminding us of the calendar dates, pointing to the necessity of being in a hurry. And he is probably right, we will try to do it faster...

The first conversation: "Spirituality about which we, for some reason, do not know."

The second conversation: "The doomsday approach. The importance of human unity"

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A historical excursus on the issue of the coat of arms and the true patrons of Kiev

  • 27.05.2016
  • 371
  • 445051

Heraldic traditions came to Slavic lands from Western Europe, whereas the word gerb found in several Slavic languages originates from the German erbe meaning “heritage”, “inheritance”. In the Middle Ages, when feudal relations were strengthening in Europe, it became necessary to single out feudal lords among their vassal environment. Moreover, in the times of tournaments and crusades, when a knight was covered with armour and had a closed visor on his helmet, it was totally unclear who he was and which nation and family he belonged to. Thus, insignias were absolutely necessary. One’s coat of arms was exactly an indicator of one’s name and title. Knights mostly drew their coats of arms on their shields, and that was the origin of the major heraldic tradition. Later on city coats of arms began to emerge.

Hence, there was surely no coat of arms in Kiev in the times of Kievan Rus, though Kievan princes did have their personal seals. In fact, every prince had such a seal to mark his property and sign his orders.

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“Human Inner World” social media survey

  • 04.06.2016
  • 147
  • 6751

    Nowadays, people rarely have heart-to-heart talks with each other, share innermost things or live in the “here and now” moment. The majority people, in my opinion, are mostly preoccupied with their future: college graduation, decent career, lucky marriage, children, getting an apartment or a house to live in, gaining an influential social status, etc. At that, everyone totally forgets that: “Well, a human being is mortal, but this is half the trouble. The worst thing is that he is sometimes suddenly mortal, that’s the whole point!” (M. Bulgakov, The Master and Margarita) Thus, we are getting prepared for some future life, but are we really living right now, and do we actually think about our inner world? I became interested in whether the situation is completely despairing or there is still hope for spiritual revival.

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Conversations with Imam. Conversation No.4: ”Spirituality and family relationships”

  • 20.06.2016
  • 551
  • 24903

The state of affairs today is such, that among personalities striving for the spiritual, the issues of family relationships, and proper upbringing of children (and the expediency of having them), as well as the main issue - sex- still remain topical. Announcing this conversation, we offered readers to express their opinion, to ask the questions of concern, without knowing in advance whether they will be considered or not and if not, for what reason.   By the way, you can run an eye over them here. During the preliminary discussion of a new conversation with Imam, it was found that this subject matter according to particularly delicate and poignant moments is closed due to a number of serious causes, and we hope that readers will understand them.

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Illusion and the Way. Contents. The Truth is One for Everyone (second interview with Igor Danilov)

  • 29.07.2016
  • 308
  • 35322

In this program, issues of human self-perfection on the way to God are discussed.

  • Why do people spend a lot of time only thinking they are engaged in self-improvement and not moving along the way in actual fact?
  • How does consciousness deceive Personality in the fight for attention?
  • What substitutions are imposed by consciousness? A figurative example of the theatre of shadows with actors and a spectator
  • Why is a year necessary for a person to get rid of his or her images (demons) that bring sufferings?
  • What a contact with the spiritual world is like?
  • How can one achieve integrity and peace within oneself, and reconciliation with God? What do responsibility and service mean?

These and many other topics are addressed in The Truth is One for Everyone program.

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Earthquakes in Italy. Why has the planet stopped dead?

  • 24.08.2016
  • 142
  • 7817

    Having found out about a powerful earthquake in Italy, today’s morning (24 August 2016) I observed a strange phenomenon which I’d like to share with everyone. The strangeness is that while monitoring seismic activity on the planet during the last several years via online service I have never observed such an unusual picture:

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Keeper of Genesis. Part II. Edfu Building Texts. The wisdom god Thoth

  • 12.10.2016
  • 270
  • 29426

The Temple of Edfu in its present form was erected over a two hundred-year period between 237 BC and 57 BC, but incorporates parts of much earlier structures dating back to the Pyramid Age (for example, portions of the inner and outer western enclosure wall). Moreover, like all major temples, it was built “on hallowed ground” and there attaches to it a recollection of vast antiquity and of momentous antecedents.

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GUANYIN: the patroness saving people from calamities

  • 15.01.2017
  • 135
  • 21521

It turns out that even in socialist China people greatly revere and worship the divine deity – the virgin named Guanyin (or Guan Yin). Besides the Celestial Empire, this goddess is known in Vietnamese, Korean, Malaysian and Japanese mythology as a patroness and protectress of people from various calamities, giver of children and childbirth helper. Despite the fact that her holy image originates from Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara of the Buddhist tradition, Guanyin is revered by representatives of nearly all religious denominations in China.

For a long time it seemed to me the Chinese political policy did not favour the freedom of religion, but I was greatly mistaken. Look what statutes the Chinese have erected in honour of their heavenly patroness Guanyin.

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The Annunciation. Archangel Gabriel and Virgin Mary

  • 08.04.2017
  • 201
  • 17711

“In the sixth month Archangel was sent to the Pure Virgin, told Her to rejoice and predicted that the Saviour would come from Her. Having accepted blessing, She conceived the Eternal God who had the ineffable kindness to come into a human body in order to save our souls.”

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Rejoice, highly favoured one, Life is approaching

  • 11.04.2017
  • 472
  • 13667

On the occasion of the Annunciation of Our Most Holy Lady...

“Life is approaching,” he says to me, and his deep blue eyes are luxuriating in heaven.

“Where?” I ask a little confusedly. He, so unusually close, drops his eyelids, and his light eyelashes like ripe ears shield the fathomless heaven that has stood still in his eyes.

I understand without any words. It is he who is now living. The boundless blue waters of heaven have spread inside him.

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The Shiite prophecy of the Hidden Imam is coming true!

  • 01.01.1970

    In Sunni Islam the subject of Imam Mahdi is not elucidated as widely as in the Shiite branch of Islam. Let’s remind to our readers that Sunnism and Shiism are the two major denominations of Islam, established in order to separate and cause contradictions between followers of Prophet Muhammad’s Teaching.

    So, in Sunnism the Advent of Mahdi is not awaited so much, but Shiites have it totally differently. They believe Mahdi is the hidden, long-expected 12th Imam. He has been in concealment until the hour appointed by Allah, and at the appointed hour He will come to the earth to guide Muslims and give the Knowledge on how people should establish a kingdom of justice and prosperity.

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Consciousness and Personality.
From the inevitably dead
to the eternally alive
  • <small>Consciousness and Personality. <br/>From the inevitably dead <br/>to the eternally alive</small>


The Truth is One for Everybody
  • The coming cataclysms. Relations between people. Revival of humaneness


  • Illusion and the Way


  • LIFE


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