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If I were God...

  • 07.11.2015
  • 107
  • 4384

    Studying numerous prophecies and records from diverse scriptures of different cultures and ages, which we have earlier referred to in our publications, we can see an obvious fact that most people who reckon themselves among followers of one or another religion or belief are waiting for the advent of Somebody Great, Somebody who should come and save them, put things in order in the world, punish, reward, restore justice, ensure the bright present and future for them, do good for everyone, etcetera, etcetera. At the same time, an impression arises that people’s ideas of such truly important event boil down to the mystically primitive understanding from a Russian children’s song: “A magician will suddenly come in a light blue helicopter…” – and everyone will become happy!

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Personality and Consciousness. Life-worth understanding

  • 07.01.2016
  • 201
  • 6343

In the epoch-making programs No.2 and No.3 of The Silver Thread series, Bodhisattva himself says several times that human Personality and Consciousness are not the same things. That is, I the personality and my consciousness are different things, and my entire life depends on this basic understanding, without exaggeration. I mean my true Life which does not end with the death of my body-shell. Besides, in the programs we find out that Personality is in fact a part of the Holy Spirit. However, he or she can either be enslaved by consciousness or consciously control and use it for his or her purposes, say, like a summer resident in the country uses a shovel to dig up potatoes. This statement makes me ponder over many things.

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The Archons: tools of power

  • 09.03.2016
  • 203
  • 18400

In the earlier article The Archons: the history of emergence we discussed the origin of such phenomenon as the Archons (translated from Greek as “the rulers of the world”) or, to put it more understandably, the secret masters of money. In the same article we considered the Archons’ goals and sense of existence, the facts evidencing their violent activities, and some obvious results of those activities for our entire civilization. Our next article represents an attempt to substantially look into the Archons’ tools of power, by means of which they endeavour to implement their world supremacy plans, i.e. to enslave us, dear readers, once and for all.

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Time. Here and now. Personal experience

  • 22.06.2016
  • 246
  • 7300

Recently I have experienced a new perception of time at the level of feelings. I repeatedly heard before that there’s no time in reality and I read the Primordial AllatRa Physics report, but experienced it in practice as follows.

Consciousness always creates an illusion that you have an entire life ahead, that you have plenty of things to do and enough time for everything. Yet, is this really so?

Anything may happen to anyone of us at any moment, starting from cosmic processes such as sun radiation emission or meteorite falls down to the level of cells, cell reproduction and diseases emergence. Consciousness will tell it’s not true, but you should only observe various force majeure circumstances in everyday life and will notice such circumstances were not anticipated by anyone, people were not preparing for them, and a moment before them everything was fine.

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Life. Contents. The Truth is One for Everyone (third interview with Igor Danilov)

  • 07.08.2016
  • 810
  • 231566

    Understanding the need to prepare contents of this programme according to our website tradition, I wanted to write down a single word for every broadcast second – LOVE. The words sounding from the screen are surely important, but they are secondary. This programme is an open Gate to the Spiritual World generously endowing everyone who’s open to God with abundance of His Love…

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What will not happen if I don’t do it?

  • 11.09.2016
  • 178
  • 5559

When a certain while ago I was working in retail, I actively studied marketing and management. In one of books I found 4 remarkable questions that helped understand whether one or another decision should be taken. Here they are:

  1. What will happen if I do it?
    1. What will not happen if I do it?
    2. What will happen if I don’t do it?
    3. What will not happen if I don’t do it?

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Prologues in Anastasia Novykh’s books

  • 30.11.2016
  • 147
  • 7327

Those who read the first four books by Anastasia Novykh (Sensei of Shambala series) certainly wondered Who is talking to Whom in a mysterious dialogue described in the Prologues (introductory part) of these works of literature.

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Consciousness and Personality.
From the inevitably dead
to the eternally alive
  • <small>Consciousness and Personality. <br/>From the inevitably dead <br/>to the eternally alive</small>


The Truth is One for Everybody
  • The coming cataclysms. Relations between people. Revival of humaneness


  • Illusion and the Way


  • LIFE


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