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Found items - 51

Bodhisattva interviewed. Who is Igor Danilov?

  • 13.09.2015
  • 27
  • 5716

    This video was made promptly after the interview with Igor Danilov on 07.09.2015 in the program “The Meaning of Life: Immortality”. Before the video was finished, the AllatRa TV camera crew declared in social media they hadn’t deliberately done anything that would provoke an additional light effect and flashes around Igor Danilov’s head. Isn’t this really Bodhisattva’s aura recorded on digital medium?

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Aura on digital images? A collection of photographs from The Meaning of Life: Immortality

  • 16.09.2015
  • 23
  • 3621

Aura on digital images? A collection of photographs from The Meaning of Life: Immortality

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Striking resemblance in appearances of Saint Agapit of Pechersk and Igor Danilov!

  • 17.09.2015
  • 46
  • 5437

    Recently on the internet, an issue of resemblance between the two personalities who have been living on the earth with some 1,000-year difference has been actively discussed. We mean here the first doctor of Kievan Rus, Unmercenary Physician Saint Agapit of Pechersk, and Professor, Academician, author of vertebral revitalization method Igor Mikhaylovich Danilov.

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Imam Mahdi is in the secular world among us! Sensational investigation and evidence

  • 17.09.2015
  • 411
  • 560533

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful...  

Appeal to Muslims all over the world! A sensational investigation and comparisonof Islamic traditions containing the signs of Messiah Imam Mahdi’s advent with the present-day reality!

Three public interviews with Igor Danilov (Rigden Djappo) (A Frank Dialogue about the Most ImportantThe Meaning of Life: Immortalityand Unity) posted on YouTube urged us, a team of independent analysts, to search supplementary materials and seek answer to the main question: how important is for us, the humanity, such event as public appearance of and open appeal to people by the Spiritual Being called Bodhisattva in the Orient? In our opinion, the advent of such a notable historical figure could not be disregarded in legends and predictions of various religions of the world. We directed our attention to Islam, and what we immediately found really staggered us. Muslim traditions called the Hadith are permeated with predictions that are coming true nowadays, and we will endeavour to give truly sensational evidence in the very article.

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Habitoscopy (portrait) examination

  • 18.09.2015
  • 65
  • 7689

To continue the topic of the striking resemblance noticed by people, we have decided to order a portrait examination. At the last moment we were advised to add to examined materials the mysterious painting by Anastasia Novykh Agapit of Pechersk, which was exhibited for the public only once in its lifetime. The current location of the painting is unknown.


Habitoscopy (portrait) examination

Materials used for examination:

1.  Digital portrait photo of Igor Danilov

2.  Digital photo of Agapit of Pecherk painting by Anastasia Novykh

3.  Digital photo of the bust of Agapit of Pechersk (reconstructed according to the skull model made by criminology expert Sergey Nikitin)


What was to be ascertained during examination:

1.   Are the provided photo files suitable for habitoscopy (portrait) examination?    

2.   Which individual features of Igor Danilov’s appearance are reflected (depicted) on and coincide with the image of Agapit of Pechersk on the painting by the artist Anastasia Novykh and the image of Agapit of Pechersk on the bust reconstructed according to the skull model made by criminology expert Sergey Nikitin?

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Appeal to Muslims all over the world! Imam Mahdi is in the secular world!

  • 18.09.2015
  • 76
  • 13453

Let me share truly joyful and momentous news with you. The event long-expected by all faithful believers across the world has already occurred. The long-awaited advent of Imam Mahdi has taken place. He is on the earth for a certain while already, furthermore He has done an unprecedentedly TREMENDOUS job on renewal of the Genuine Teaching! Due to this most significant event of our times, I would like to congratulate you all sincerely!

His arrival is really the main and most important condition for beginning of the world transformation. This is a SIGNAL for everyone who faithfully believes in Single God, for people all over the world to unite, regardless of the skin colour and place of residence!

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The Shiite prophecy of the Hidden Imam is coming true!

  • 18.09.2015
  • 76
  • 13453

    In Sunni Islam the subject of Imam Mahdi is not elucidated as widely as in the Shiite branch of Islam. Let’s remind to our readers that Sunnism and Shiism are the two major denominations of Islam, established in order to separate and cause contradictions between followers of Prophet Muhammad’s Teaching.

    So, in Sunnism the Advent of Mahdi is not awaited so much, but Shiites have it totally differently. They believe Mahdi is the hidden, long-expected 12th Imam. He has been in concealment until the hour appointed by Allah, and at the appointed hour He will come to the earth to guide Muslims and give the Knowledge on how people should establish a kingdom of justice and prosperity.

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A Gift of the Holy Spirit

  • 21.09.2015
  • 54
  • 2640

(The Meaning of Life: Immortality program with the participation of Igor Danilov and Father Sergey provoked numerous responses on the web and letters addressed to AllatRa TV channel. The thing is that the digital camera recorded incredible effects throughout the program. A whole wave of discussions arose on the web: “It is real! The digital camera recorded an Angel!”, “The Holy Spirit has been filmed!”, “Manifestation of the Holy Spirit breaks all physical laws!” Below we present one of the letters written by people from different countries.)

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‘Agapit of Pechersk’ painting: a secret behind the seven seals

  • 22.09.2015
  • 193
  • 16458

To continue with the studies of phenomena that took place during The Meaning of Life: Immortality program, the painting in the background (marked with an arrow in the image above) deserves special attention. Our search has shown that it’s a mysterious painting by Anastasia Novykh (or its copy), which depicts the genuine appearance of Reverend Agapit of Pechersk, the Unmercenary Physician – the first doctor-monk who lived in Kievan Rus in the 11th century AD. The true appearance of this Saint was restored in 1986 by a Moscow criminology expert Sergey Nikitin, according to the method of Mikhail Gerasimov, based on anthropological examination of Agapit’s relics that are currently kept in the Near Caves of Kiev Pechersk Lavra.

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Kiev is the head of Osiris. Which prediction is talked about?

  • 24.09.2015
  • 219
  • 32625

Looking into predictions and prophecies relating to names of the Teachers of humanity, who came to the Earth in ancient historical periods and are considered within the framework of our research, we couldn’t disregard another strange fact, namely the prediction about Osiris. First, there was the article Kiev is the head of Osiris, Which prediction is talked about?, then came the video with a Kiev architect, but, most likely, the initial source was mysterious Anastasia Novykh who gave a hint in one of her books (Ezoosmos) via the following literary dialogue:

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Decryption of I, Pet Goat II prophetic animated video

  • 25.09.2015
  • 385
  • 572296

    Once again we draw your attention to the sensational animated short film I, Pet Goat II that caused such a stir and contains numerous signs and symbols in its fleeting shots, definitely needing decryption. This momentous animation was obviously created with a hidden purpose. We’ve decided to post one of versions of this prophetical puzzle decryption on our website, since the basic subject of the video is what we are mostly interested in: the advent of Messiah and destruction of the old world foundations.


Explanation by the video creator:

First of all, I’d like to say the film came to me in a visual form, like to an artist who sees colours and shapes with his mind’s eye. And I endeavoured to reflect what I saw accurately, not always understanding the meaning. Some symbols were quite evident. To decode others I had to rack my brain over them pretty much. I don’t claim to be an expert in symbolism. I’m just advancing in studying symbols little by little. I don’t claim to know the truth. As I understand, the language of archetypes is filled with much deeper meaning than the language of words. Thus, archetypes may be interpreted in a simplified way only. It’s same as trying to explain a poem.

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Lilies. A fortuity or Good Tidings?

  • 26.09.2015
  • 148
  • 21825

Continuing the investigation of the phenomena of programmes The Meaning of Life: Immortality and "A Frank Dialogue about the Most Important with Igor Mikhaylovich Danilov, we were surprised with the fact of presence of lilies in the background in both programmes. What is behind the symbolism of interior decoration with the same type of flowers in two different programmes? Is this a fortuity? We attempted to look into the issue and discovered a new confirmation of our assumptions.

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A Frank Dialogue about the Most Important (interview No. 1, 20.08.2015)

  • 26.09.2015
  • 346
  • 32684

Viewed in the programme A Frank Dialogue about the Most Important:

  • The sense of human life
  • What the spiritual world is like
  • The genuine human nature
  • Wisdom of spiritual healing. Unknown facts about Agapit of Pechersk
  • Where is the soul situated, and can it be ill?
  • Can blood transfusion or organ transplantation influence a person’s spiritual component?
  • What the power of thought and attention means
  • Time and vital energy. People’s invaluable resources
  • A human being as an angel forerunner. The way to immortality
  • True life or temporary existence. How to separate the wheat from the chaff
  • Genuine service to the spiritual world. The lost Truth about Christ
  • Knowledge that unites people. How to establish a creative society nowadays
  • The gift of freedom and the true love. What everyone strives for in actual fact

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Islam is Unity!

  • 28.09.2015
  • 60
  • 10930

Unity within oneself, Unity with people, Unity with the Almighty in oneself and other people. Unity with the breath of the universe. Unity with the Creator’s Will. Unity of everything and in everything!

Nowadays very many people on the planet believe that Islam means destruction, severe restrictions, stagnation, backwardness, and other terrible vestiges and customs. There are numerous reasons why such a deeply erroneous opinion predominates in the consciousness of many people. However, should people watch the Unity program on AllatRa TV, all their prejudices against Islam will be dispelled like smoke of an extinct fire, for in this program Islam is represented in its original purity and clarity. One of major reasons of the aforesaid erroneous view is surely the way of life and aggressive anti-infidel rhetoric adhered to by some people who consider themselves true Muslims only because their beards reach their chest and they have cut off many human heads. Yet, as a matter of fact such people are infinitely far from the genuine Teaching passed on by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and preached by the Prophet (peace be upon him) in his times, verbally by the way.

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The total lunar eclipse of 28.09.2015 and release of the Unity program. Accidents are not accidental?

  • 30.09.2015
  • 89
  • 5686

    As life indicates, events that we consider accidental coincidences in actual fact emerge in line with certain natural laws and are caused by visible or invisible factors, no matter whether we are aware of them or not. My long-developed habit of approaching various life situations and events with exploratory interest urged me to notice certain strange facts relating to the issue discussed on this website.

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The Meaning of Life: Immortality (interview No. 2, 07.09.2015)

  • 30.09.2015
  • 371
  • 38362

How is human spiritual development taking place? How does a person move along the spiritual path in his/her everyday life? Which obstacles are imposed by the system and faced by a person within his/her inner world via thoughts? What does the power of attention mean for Personality, and how can it be used for spiritual development? How can one GET IN TOUCH AND MERGE WITH HIS/HER SOUL AND THE SPIRITUAL WORLD IN PRACTICE? How can one deepen the spiritual world perception and permanently live in such state?

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UNITY (interview No. 3, 27.09.2015)

  • 01.10.2015
  • 427
  • 29665

The Truth is one for everybody!

Ancient key knowledge about UNITY and RECONCILIATION between all people. 

What is the single source of all religions of the mankind? What unites all spiritual knowledge in its essence? Practical experience of perception of and personal touch with THE ONE WHO GIVES LIFE.

  • Unique primordial information about the Holy Spirit and His crucial role in spiritual development of separate individuals and humanity as a whole
  • What does the system conceal from you, and how can you overcome the system?
  • How can RECONCILIATION within oneself, between people and God, and between people themselves be achieved?
  • Islam, Christianity, Buddhism: which Truth unites all world religions and all faithful believers?
  • How can the LIVING GOD be gained? How can the Holy Spirit be gained within oneself? How to separate the Dead from the Living in oneself? How to gain the REAL in oneself?!
  • Unique self-awareness and deep inner feelings while touching the spiritual world
  • The epoch-making programme that changes the destiny of people, nations, and the entire humanity

This is the third interview with Igor Danilov. The two previous programmes may be viewed on our website here: A Frank Dialogue about the Most Important and The Meaning of Life: Immortality.

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The 50th degree of spiritual Freedom! Nostradamus predictions

  • 03.10.2015
  • 267
  • 40297

    While searching for information about the Messiah advent in various prophetic sources, I carefully read predictions by Michel Nostradamus regarding our times and noted a very interesting point which we already mentioned in the article Who is described in thousands of prophecies?, and which was originally contained in the Epistle to Henry:

    …the one will come from the fiftieth degree, who will renew the entire Christian Church, who will liberate people of the world from meek and voluntary slavery, who has given himself for protection against the War and deprived Jupiter (symbol of the supreme god) of all his merits and titles...


    The fiftieth degree? Let’s examine what the 50th degree really is, from where the One capable of liberating the entire mankind from slavery will come. I guess no one will argue slavery here is meant as the social lifestyle, in which we all are bogged down in, following the way of consumer relations.

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In true Islam women are deified!

  • 04.10.2015
  • 53
  • 4667

Today many people tend to believe that Islam tolerates or even welcomes brutal attitude to women. Indeed, in many countries and families there are certain negative trends which favour such opinion to strike root. It should be mentioned however that such behaviour of some Muslims does not mean whole Islam is so, and it is surely not the way Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) established in his times.

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The secret of latitudes 48° and 50° north! Nostradamus predictions

  • 07.10.2015
  • 289
  • 434524

    The ball comes to the player, as they say! The team of independent analysts sincerely thanks everyone who has joined investigation of the issue so important for the entire humanity! Incredible coincidences between present-day facts and predictions by Michel Nostradamus within the framework of our investigation, as described in the article The 50th degree of spiritual Freedom, surprised many people who are in search of the truth. As a supplement to the published material, our readers have sent us two more extracts that we can’t neglect. Here is the first one:


At the beginning of the third millennium, ancient faith will be revived to the north of latitude 48° and unite the nation. These northerners are powerful by their nature, and only alien religion separated them.

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When will Falsehood replace the Truth? A prediction from Ezoosmos book

  • 22.10.2015
  • 149
  • 10443

    Well, we are reaping a rich harvest: a new prediction hasn’t taken long to appear, and has been discovered in the Ezoosmos book by Anastasia Novykh. It’s not directly connected with the considered issue of the Messiah advent; however it deserves particular attention because of the one who uttered the prediction verse. In the context of the Ezoosmos story this strange prophecy was told by Sensei, the main character of all books by Anastasia Novykh. After a month of tenacious and laborious search we still persist in our assumption that Sensei and Igor Danilov are one and the same person, as well as Rigden Djappo, the Shambala Sovereign, the Judge. Following such an introduction, the prophecy lines become really worth reading more carefully. There are decryption variants already available on the internet; here they are:

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Predictions from Zarathustra’s book. “Oh, best friend, Ahura Mazda!”

  • 13.11.2015
  • 155
  • 18429

    Here we publish a prediction from Zarathustra’s book, relating to nowadays events. The poetic form of a relevant extract and introduction thereto are taken from The Crossroads book (later on we shall perform the book analysis).

    “Well, let’s take another section of Shambala library: Egypt, the second half of the first millennium B.C. The section of the Great Library of Alexandria … A part of the Library was burned down in 47 B.C. Thanks God, Mezhanins quickly reacted to such usual human stupidity in Al Iscandria, and the most valuable items were saved. So, this section contains quite a rare book of prophecies written by Zarathustra who lived in Bactria in the times of king Vishtaspu…

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Prophecies of Mitar Tarabić regarding a short man

  • 19.11.2015
  • 98
  • 11236

    Mitar Tarabić (1829-1899) was an ordinary semiliterate peasant from the Serbian village of Kremna. At times he had visions which he communicated to local priest Zechariah Zakharić. The latter, in turn, recorded Mitar’s predictions, and that’s the whole story. When the priest died, hid notebook was preserved by his family. The only time the notebook was in danger of being burned was in 1943, when the village was occupied by Bulgarian army. Today, the notebook as a family treasure is kept by Zakharić’s great grandson Dejan Malenkovic. As distinct from texts by famous Michel Nostradamus which are not always easy to decipher, Mitar Tarabić’s prophecies were composed in a totally clear informal language. The records became widely known in early 20th century, when Mitar’s predictions regarding the downfall of the Obrenović royal family of Serbia started coming true one after another with unbelievable accuracy and consistency. It was rumoured in the Balkans that Tarabić’s “dark prophecies” are being realized... 

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XXX: Program about Geliars. 4-hour interview contents (June 2014)

  • 03.12.2015
  • 111
  • 12159

Herein we present detailed contents of the epoch-making interview XXX: Program about Geliars that was released on Youtube in June 2014. In this video Igor Danilov (Rigden Djappo) was behind the scenes. It was the first “mediate meeting” with the Bodhisattva’s living voice which anyone who desires can now hear in the above video. Right after its release the interview was taken to quotes, cut into short videos and used for innumerable banners. It is indeed very interesting, in our opinion. Established social and religious norms unexpectedly appear to us in a totally different light. In the interview nearly all the essential questions of the meaning and purpose of human life are addressed, to which a person would like to get answers one way or another.

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Another visual resemblance or coincidence? Ahura Mazda & Igor Danilov

  • 26.11.2015
  • 126
  • 11532

Just two months have passed since the first sensational publications on, and over this short period of time the analyst team has found quite a few unbelievable intriguing likenesses or accidental coincidences. Let everyone regard these materials as they prefer. We do not impose our opinion on anyone, although we consider ourselves entitled to voice it decidedly and elucidate it. Our next discovery originates from Kiev, from where we have received a photo of the stone bust of Zoroastrian supreme god Ahura Mazda whose face on the bust bears a great resemblance to the face of Igor Mikhaylovich Danilov, according to eyewitnesses who saw Mr. Danilov closely. In the context of our investigation such likeness surely looks not that accidental.

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Shambala. A myth or reality?

  • 23.12.2015
  • 277
  • 96769

Please, note the article is continuously updated!

Shambala is an alluring word that is covered with myths, legends and obscure ideas. It’s a mysterious place where the teachers of humanity dwell and where it’s extremely difficult to get. Some spiritual seekers dedicated their whole lives to searching it, whereas in the today’s age of active transmission and spread of information (judging by internet publications) we have failed to find even a slight intelligible evidence of it. The respected search engine Google offers only bracelets, necklaces or amusements with such name, leading away to material stuff and clearing up no essence at all. Evaluating the level of consumer priorities of the contemporary world community, one comes to conclusion that people take the Shambala myth sceptically, as a fairy tale or legend. Yet, why? As a matter of fact, people who dedicated effort, years and even lives to the search of Shambala were not stupid or worst in their times, quite the contrary. An impression arises that a certain influential earthly force has put an impenetrable information wall in this field as well. In order to bring down the wall at least a little bit and clarify the situation with the “myth”, in this article we shall try to collect and refresh information about the mysterious abode of Bodhisattvas. Hopefully, the information will be useful for many people.

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Extraordinary New Year’s Appeal to All Inhabitants of the World

  • 31.12.2015
  • 534
  • 131985

An extraordinary New Year’s appeal from the Point of View analyst team, on the eve of 2016:

- to Presidents and political leaders of all countries of the globe;
- to religious and public figures;
- to those who believe in God, regardless of religions or confessions;
- to all ordinary people of all nationalities, without any exception…

Dear friends, we hurry to wish you a happy New Year. The year 2016 has arrived, and this is the right time to make the following statement.

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Deep inner feelings. First steps to learning sensory perception

  • 11.01.2016
  • 384
  • 27274

    Before I started expounding this topic, I thought it would be necessary to apply a nonstandard approach to presentation of relevant information, and a different structure of material. Why? In order to avoid stereotypes and clichés, awake greater interest, and let readers deeply realize a particular importance of the topic. Hence, the Preface will be followed by quotations from the AllatRa book as the primary source, defining what deep inner feelings are, and the author of this article kindly asks readers to read the quotations really carefully. I would like to avoid stilted statements, however it’s impossible to do without those, and so I’ll put it straight: your future life totally depends on how you, dear readers, get imbued with the essence of the information given, and not just your life, but your afterlife destiny as well. This is naked truth.

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There is no America! Vanga’s old prediction first voiced

  • 04.01.2016
  • 285
  • 18641

    The next discovery valuable for our Prophecies section is the 2016 New Year’s programme on NTV channel, telling about the unknown revelations of Bulgarian clairvoyant Baba Vanga whom we’ve earlier written about in detail on our website.

Exactly from Russia a man will come soon, and he will save us...

    These words by her are distinctly heard on the video, although the phrase may be interpreted in different ways, therefore to ensure objectivity we won’t assert so far that she meant Rigden Djappo (Imam Mahdi). However, there is another quite interesting episode in the programme, which relates to America’s fate (the episode starts from minute 39:30), where Sergey Kostornoy, journalist and Vanga’s good friend, for the first time voices a prediction given by the clairvoyant in a narrow circle of close friends, which she asked them not to disclose publicly until a certain time

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Islam means Unity

  • 03.02.2016
  • 105
  • 10335

We continue our work launched following the release of the sensational Unity program, where Igor Danilov in particular said that “Islam is the most peace-loving religion”. It’s a research aimed at creation of an integral image of Islam and discovery of its meaning deeper and broader than mass media and some dishonourable institutions and people try to impose on our consciousness.

So, what is Islam, and what is the genuine deep inner meaning of this word?

Lisan al-‘Arab, one of the most authoritative dictionaries of the Arabic language, says the word Islam originates from the verb istaslama (استسلاما) which means “to obey”, “to surrender”, “to admit” or “to capitulate”.

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The Quran witnesses...

  • 13.04.2016
  • 171
  • 9289

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful!
Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds!


In this article we have made an attempt, based on ayat and surahs of the Holy Quran, to clearly demonstrate that the AllatRa book has been indeed given to humanity by Imam MAHDI – Archangel Gabriel! It is certainly a very difficult task to draw parallels and provide relevant evidence in just a single article, therefore we truly hope that, if Allah’s Will permits, this article will be in the forefront and will be followed by other subject-extending articles which will allow many people faithful to Almighty Allah to see the Truth!

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The Truth is One for Everyone. Conversation with Igor Danilov

  • 14.07.2016
  • 316
  • 43381

    It’s a unique conversation with Igor Danilov, where the following subjects are discussed: the importance of unification between people prior to the forthcoming events, particularities of relations between people in society and in family, causes and solution of conflicts. And furthermore:

  • Freedom of choice and mutual respect.
  • Exploration of oneself and observation of illusionary games of consciousness. Why is it impossible to perceive the Spiritual World through consciousness?
  • What is spiritual egoism?
  • What is true Love?
  • What does the paradox of life consist in?
  • Particularities of human spiritual emergence. How to focus attention on and live in the Spiritual World.

These and many other topics are addressed in The Truth is One for Everyone program.

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Illusion and the Way. Contents. The Truth is One for Everyone (second interview with Igor Danilov)

  • 29.07.2016
  • 306
  • 33972

In this program, issues of human self-perfection on the way to God are discussed.

  • Why do people spend a lot of time only thinking they are engaged in self-improvement and not moving along the way in actual fact?
  • How does consciousness deceive Personality in the fight for attention?
  • What substitutions are imposed by consciousness? A figurative example of the theatre of shadows with actors and a spectator
  • Why is a year necessary for a person to get rid of his or her images (demons) that bring sufferings?
  • What a contact with the spiritual world is like?
  • How can one achieve integrity and peace within oneself, and reconciliation with God? What do responsibility and service mean?

These and many other topics are addressed in The Truth is One for Everyone program.

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Life. Contents. The Truth is One for Everyone (third interview with Igor Danilov)

  • 07.08.2016
  • 807
  • 230079

    Understanding the need to prepare contents of this programme according to our website tradition, I wanted to write down a single word for every broadcast second – LOVE. The words sounding from the screen are surely important, but they are secondary. This programme is an open Gate to the Spiritual World generously endowing everyone who’s open to God with abundance of His Love…

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Little Marta’s dream

  • 07.09.2016
  • 190
  • 3798

My body was born on the night of 23 April, and my soul entered the body on a great holiday of the night of 30 April – 1 May. Throughout my life I’ve been suffering from a helper syndrome: I’ve always wanted to support and help people. At school I protected the weak and fought for them, I married a man in a wheelchair, and when I needed money I got employed at a nursing home without any hesitation. And all this was a deep inner need, without any violence against my ego.

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St. Cyril’s Church in Kiev. Wall paintings

  • 28.02.2017
  • 266
  • 16940

Recently I visited Kiev and “accidentally” called at St. Cyril’s Church on 12, Oleny Teligi Street. Although I was entering the church with interest, I did not expect to see anything special there. To tell the truth, I had never been particularly interested in the issue, which was not right as I later on understood. I believe, once you familiarize yourselves with this article you will grasp the reason, dear readers.

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People who lived happily. The Incas’ way of living

  • 11.04.2017
  • 168
  • 8976

Occasionally talking to different people, I often hear a deep-rooted opinion that humanity has always lived as we are now living – in incessant conflicts, competition and injustice; that such a way of life is natural, and it has never been otherwise. However, from the AllatRa book we know that destruction of numerous examples of peaceful, prosperous and culturally rich coexistence of various peoples in different times has been methodically carried out by henchmen of the Archons, and the terrible results of this we observe nowadays.

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Consciousness and Personality. From the inevitably dead to the eternally Alive

  • 04.08.2017
  • 440
  • 451393

A new priceless gift for all of us has been the truly live conversation with Igor Mikhaylovich Danilov, which lasted for 11 hours 56 minutes...

By the way, there is the following information in Sensei of Shambala – Book IV (apparently, there is a certain correlation):


Allat has multiple manifestations. In scientific understanding allat is a single unit of time, which has a great importance for entire matter. If we take modern earth time values, an allat makes up 12 minutes, or more precisely 11 minutes 56.74 seconds. When scientists get to the notion of this important unit of foundation, so to say, the main building block of the Universe, there will be not just a grand revolution in science, but an evolutionary leap. Then scientists will understand what is hidden under the secret of time and, having realized that, they will reveal the true process of matter formation in the Universe. If people get to know the essence of Allat, they will gain enormous opportunities.

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What were pyramids needed for? The PYRAMID supernatural experiment

  • 14.11.2017
  • 184
  • 8122

Recently, a unique experiment has been carried out with application of an experimental state-of-the-art machine with a pyramidal frame, which has no analogues in the world. The PYRAMID scientific and experimental machine opens up tremendous opportunities to study the phenomena of consciousness and Personality (as an out-of-body observer) as well as to produce a potential that provokes human supernatural abilities.

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Primary and secondary consciousness: a comparative table

  • 11.12.2017
  • 387
  • 17938

Let us present to your attention a comparative table for studying consciousness, composed based on the information given in the program Consciousness and Personality. From the inevitably dead to the eternally Alive.

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  • 30.01.2018
  • 156
  • 77106

Participants of the program: Igor Mikhailovich Danilov, Igor Vladimirovich Naumets, Anna Dubrovskaya, and Andrei Kovtunov. The inevitability of the approaching serious climate changes, the global and large-scale character of which may today be observed all over the planet, places each human being on the verge of personal choice.

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When the “boot” will creak... Will people hear? Prediction about Italy

  • 03.02.2018
  • 337
  • 31835

Let’s refer to prehistory, so that the subject would be clearer. The well-known climate report prepared by an international group of researchers of AllatRa IPM, which warns about the approaching period of global climate changes on the planet, was issued in 2014. Some people have read it, others cast a cursory glance at relevant online notices, while still others have disregarded it. At that, since the condition of society and the political situation in the world keep aggravating, a conclusion arises that most of humanity have not treated the aforesaid report seriously. “Show us a miracle, then we will trust you,” a quote from the Consciousness and Personality program automatically comes to mind, denoting the words with which people have being meeting prophets throughout the history of mankind. Well, unfortunately, history is repeating itself again.

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Autogenic Training, Meditation, Prayer, Spiritual Practice

  • 07.02.2018
  • 195
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Source: Live conversation with Igor Mikhaylovich Danilov Consciousness and Personality. From the inevitably dead to the eternally Alive – pages 120-131: Several tools are being given, which will help at initial stages of self-exploration and restoration of one’s spiritual personality through good thoughts, words, and deeds.

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Habitoscopy (portrait) examination

  • 01.01.1970

To continue the topic of the striking resemblance noticed by people, we have decided to order a portrait examination. At the last moment we were advised to add to examined materials the mysterious painting by Anastasia Novykh Agapit of Pechersk, which was exhibited for the public only once in its lifetime. The current location of the painting is unknown.


Habitoscopy (portrait) examination

Materials used for examination:

1.  Digital portrait photo of Igor Danilov

2.  Digital photo of Agapit of Pecherk painting by Anastasia Novykh

3.  Digital photo of the bust of Agapit of Pechersk (reconstructed according to the skull model made by criminology expert Sergey Nikitin)


What was to be ascertained during examination:

1.   Are the provided photo files suitable for habitoscopy (portrait) examination?    

2.   Which individual features of Igor Danilov’s appearance are reflected (depicted) on and coincide with the image of Agapit of Pechersk on the painting by the artist Anastasia Novykh and the image of Agapit of Pechersk on the bust reconstructed according to the skull model made by criminology expert Sergey Nikitin?

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Appeal to Muslims all over the world! Imam Mahdi is in the secular world!

  • 01.01.1970

Let me share truly joyful and momentous news with you. The event long-expected by all faithful believers across the world has already occurred. The long-awaited advent of Imam Mahdi has taken place. He is on the earth for a certain while already, furthermore He has done an unprecedentedly TREMENDOUS job on renewal of the Genuine Teaching! Due to this most significant event of our times, I would like to congratulate you all sincerely!

His arrival is really the main and most important condition for beginning of the world transformation. This is a SIGNAL for everyone who faithfully believes in Single God, for people all over the world to unite, regardless of the skin colour and place of residence!

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The Shiite prophecy of the Hidden Imam is coming true!

  • 01.01.1970

    In Sunni Islam the subject of Imam Mahdi is not elucidated as widely as in the Shiite branch of Islam. Let’s remind to our readers that Sunnism and Shiism are the two major denominations of Islam, established in order to separate and cause contradictions between followers of Prophet Muhammad’s Teaching.

    So, in Sunnism the Advent of Mahdi is not awaited so much, but Shiites have it totally differently. They believe Mahdi is the hidden, long-expected 12th Imam. He has been in concealment until the hour appointed by Allah, and at the appointed hour He will come to the earth to guide Muslims and give the Knowledge on how people should establish a kingdom of justice and prosperity.

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When will Falsehood replace the Truth? A prediction from Ezoosmos book

  • 01.01.1970

    Well, we are reaping a rich harvest: a new prediction hasn’t taken long to appear, and has been discovered in the Ezoosmos book by Anastasia Novykh. It’s not directly connected with the considered issue of the Messiah advent; however it deserves particular attention because of the one who uttered the prediction verse. In the context of the Ezoosmos story this strange prophecy was told by Sensei, the main character of all books by Anastasia Novykh. After a month of tenacious and laborious search we still persist in our assumption that Sensei and Igor Danilov are one and the same person, as well as Rigden Djappo, the Shambala Sovereign, the Judge. Following such an introduction, the prophecy lines become really worth reading more carefully. There are decryption variants already available on the internet; here they are:

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Consciousness and Personality.
From the inevitably dead
to the eternally alive
  • <small>Consciousness and Personality. <br/>From the inevitably dead <br/>to the eternally alive</small>


The Truth is One for Everybody
  • The coming cataclysms. Relations between people. Revival of humaneness


  • Illusion and the Way


  • LIFE


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