Search by tag •Holy Spirit•

Found items - 37

A Gift of the Holy Spirit

  • 21.09.2015
  • 54
  • 2808

(The Meaning of Life: Immortality program with the participation of Igor Danilov and Father Sergey provoked numerous responses on the web and letters addressed to AllatRa TV channel. The thing is that the digital camera recorded incredible effects throughout the program. A whole wave of discussions arose on the web: “It is real! The digital camera recorded an Angel!”, “The Holy Spirit has been filmed!”, “Manifestation of the Holy Spirit breaks all physical laws!” Below we present one of the letters written by people from different countries.)

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‘Agapit of Pechersk’ painting: a secret behind the seven seals

  • 22.09.2015
  • 193
  • 16668

To continue with the studies of phenomena that took place during The Meaning of Life: Immortality program, the painting in the background (marked with an arrow in the image above) deserves special attention. Our search has shown that it’s a mysterious painting by Anastasia Novykh (or its copy), which depicts the genuine appearance of Reverend Agapit of Pechersk, the Unmercenary Physician – the first doctor-monk who lived in Kievan Rus in the 11th century AD. The true appearance of this Saint was restored in 1986 by a Moscow criminology expert Sergey Nikitin, according to the method of Mikhail Gerasimov, based on anthropological examination of Agapit’s relics that are currently kept in the Near Caves of Kiev Pechersk Lavra.

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Islam is Unity!

  • 28.09.2015
  • 60
  • 11249

Unity within oneself, Unity with people, Unity with the Almighty in oneself and other people. Unity with the breath of the universe. Unity with the Creator’s Will. Unity of everything and in everything!

Nowadays very many people on the planet believe that Islam means destruction, severe restrictions, stagnation, backwardness, and other terrible vestiges and customs. There are numerous reasons why such a deeply erroneous opinion predominates in the consciousness of many people. However, should people watch the Unity program on AllatRa TV, all their prejudices against Islam will be dispelled like smoke of an extinct fire, for in this program Islam is represented in its original purity and clarity. One of major reasons of the aforesaid erroneous view is surely the way of life and aggressive anti-infidel rhetoric adhered to by some people who consider themselves true Muslims only because their beards reach their chest and they have cut off many human heads. Yet, as a matter of fact such people are infinitely far from the genuine Teaching passed on by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and preached by the Prophet (peace be upon him) in his times, verbally by the way.

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The Meaning of Life: Immortality (interview No. 2, 07.09.2015)

  • 30.09.2015
  • 371
  • 38641

How is human spiritual development taking place? How does a person move along the spiritual path in his/her everyday life? Which obstacles are imposed by the system and faced by a person within his/her inner world via thoughts? What does the power of attention mean for Personality, and how can it be used for spiritual development? How can one GET IN TOUCH AND MERGE WITH HIS/HER SOUL AND THE SPIRITUAL WORLD IN PRACTICE? How can one deepen the spiritual world perception and permanently live in such state?

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UNITY (interview No. 3, 27.09.2015)

  • 01.10.2015
  • 427
  • 29830

The Truth is one for everybody!

Ancient key knowledge about UNITY and RECONCILIATION between all people. 

What is the single source of all religions of the mankind? What unites all spiritual knowledge in its essence? Practical experience of perception of and personal touch with THE ONE WHO GIVES LIFE.

  • Unique primordial information about the Holy Spirit and His crucial role in spiritual development of separate individuals and humanity as a whole
  • What does the system conceal from you, and how can you overcome the system?
  • How can RECONCILIATION within oneself, between people and God, and between people themselves be achieved?
  • Islam, Christianity, Buddhism: which Truth unites all world religions and all faithful believers?
  • How can the LIVING GOD be gained? How can the Holy Spirit be gained within oneself? How to separate the Dead from the Living in oneself? How to gain the REAL in oneself?!
  • Unique self-awareness and deep inner feelings while touching the spiritual world
  • The epoch-making programme that changes the destiny of people, nations, and the entire humanity

This is the third interview with Igor Danilov. The two previous programmes may be viewed on our website here: A Frank Dialogue about the Most Important and The Meaning of Life: Immortality.

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In true Islam women are deified!

  • 04.10.2015
  • 53
  • 5051

Today many people tend to believe that Islam tolerates or even welcomes brutal attitude to women. Indeed, in many countries and families there are certain negative trends which favour such opinion to strike root. It should be mentioned however that such behaviour of some Muslims does not mean whole Islam is so, and it is surely not the way Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) established in his times.

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The secret of latitudes 48° and 50° north! Nostradamus predictions

  • 07.10.2015
  • 292
  • 472341

    The ball comes to the player, as they say! The team of independent analysts sincerely thanks everyone who has joined investigation of the issue so important for the entire humanity! Incredible coincidences between present-day facts and predictions by Michel Nostradamus within the framework of our investigation, as described in the article The 50th degree of spiritual Freedom, surprised many people who are in search of the truth. As a supplement to the published material, our readers have sent us two more extracts that we can’t neglect. Here is the first one:


At the beginning of the third millennium, ancient faith will be revived to the north of latitude 48° and unite the nation. These northerners are powerful by their nature, and only alien religion separated them.

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Little and big signs of the Doomsday in Islam

  • 17.10.2015
  • 323
  • 470228

Let’s recur to the Doomsday signs again. The deeper we delve into the subject the more large-scale this puzzle appears. For a sensible person it is obvious that so numerous facts, signs and events cannot be mere coincidences. The topic involves different times, different religions, different prophets and different continents, but the gist is single: there will come a point when humanity will approach “the last, judgement days”. These will be the times of particularly formidable trials, and for this very reason the idea of unification of all people is so important today as mentioned in the recent Unity program where Igor Danilov was interviewed. As for this outstanding personality, every day we get further more evidences that he is exactly Imam Mahdi long-awaited by the entire Muslim world.

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141 Foresights. Poem by Eugene Gusev

  • 19.10.2015
  • 167
  • 25744

    We couldn’t overlook a prophetic poem by Eugene Gusev, which has become quite popular on the internet. Despite the obscurity and vagueness of his predictions, the poem contains some very clear specifics that we’ve highlighted in red. As for everything else, readers are welcome to guess in their comments.

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Islam is the most peace-loving religion!

  • 19.10.2015
  • 94
  • 9218

The Knowledge has been given to humanity more than once so that people would exactly know the meaning of their existence in this world, live in internal connection with the world of the Almighty, and after the pious earthly life and the body death would deserve to return to their genuine home – to the Creator’s bosom!

However, after the arrival of every Prophet, the forces of evil, being unable to totally destroy or terminate human spiritual evolution, endeavoured to take the lead of spiritual movement right after the Prophets’ departure and establish religion on the basis of spiritual grains left by the Prophets. Put simply, the wolf put sheep's clothing on and skilfully redirected the inner human need of living with God towards serving Iblis.

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What ancient Teaching did Vanga foresee? Bulgarian clairvoyant’s predictions

  • 21.10.2015
  • 119
  • 37427

    Once again we’ve discovered that Vanga, one of the most authoritative visionaries of our times, directly indicated the advent of some Anointed Sovereign and an ancient Teaching to the earth. Circumstances emerge in an amazing way, and every day new facts appear as if out of thin air, for us to collect them into a general set of evidence necessary for those who need a well-reasoned confirmation of our seemingly improbable hypothesis. We should admit the website creation was associated with a bright emotional impulse, while today such impulse is replaced with a sober exploratory consideration. We continue looking for and analysing information and welcome you, our dear not indifferent reader, to join our captivating search. 

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Chilam Balam: Mayan mysterious manuscripts. Seven Angels, seven ages

  • 28.10.2015
  • 152
  • 15560

    Continuing the search of records in ancient sources regarding not just the Messiah advent, but also predictions with respect to our epoch as a decisive time, a sort of time crossroads, the time of global human choice, we should certainly mention Maya Indians, the ancient American aboriginal population. It’s no secret that the 2012 end of the world date was widely advertised. Everyone knew about it, studied, feared, and lent an attentive ear to information on the end of Maya calendar and assumptions on what would take place afterwards. Nonetheless, the predicted doomsday didn’t happen, and people quickly started forgetting the subject, in spite of the fact it’s rather interesting and informative. In actual fact, a lot of things of the foretold have come true, though we admit most of predictions are most likely simply unintelligible for us, people with prevailing materialistic world outlook.

    Thus, here we will speak of Mayan mysterious manuscripts called CHILAM BALAM and the 7 Angels (ages) mentioned therein.

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Who were called heretics, and why? The Secret Book of Bogomils

  • 24.11.2015
  • 67
  • 9729

Once, while studying translations of the Nag Hammadi Library texts, I ran across records about a Christian movement that emerged around the 10th century in the Balkans, the followers of which were called Bogomils. It is considered that the name of this movement originated from Bogomil, a man of religion who lived in the 10th century in the territory of contemporary Bulgaria. No specific records of his life have been preserved (here and below, only the most interesting facts are highlighted). What I regard as the most interesting are the ideas of this religious movement which are very similar to those of Cathars.

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Avesta. Haiti 28. “I will pray for the works of the Holy Spirit...”

  • 02.12.2015
  • 65
  • 4608



In humble adoration, with hands outstretched I pray to You, O Mazda! First of all, through Your Holy Spirit vouchsafe to me all righteousness of action, all wisdom of the Good Mind, that I may thereby bring joy to the Soul of Creation!


COMMENTARY: The Denkard says, “The first Ahunavaiti Gatha (Yasna 28) is dedicated to grace and piety of Zoroaster (Zarathustra) that emerged owing to the righteousness of his thoughts, words and deeds.” (Denkard 9:28:1) The triad of good thoughts, words and deeds is the foundation of the ethical teaching of Good Faith. Good thoughts, good words and good deeds of Pious Zarathustra are portrayed in his Gathas (Hymns) dedicated to the Immortal Saints (Amesha Spentas).

This dedication opens the first Chapter (Haiti) of the Gathas, which reflects Zarathustra’s prayer and righteousness, as well as his petitions of grace as proclaimed in the Avesta. (Denkard 9:50:2-3)

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Saint Malachy’s prophecy and Virgin Mary's apparitions in Fatima. What do those have in common?

  • 09.12.2015
  • 322
  • 35113

    After publication of Predictions of the last Pope and flow of interesting comments on that, we decided to elucidate the subject in more detail. The relevant text is historically known as the Prophecy of the Popes and attributed to Saint Malachy (1094-1148), Archbishop of Armagh, Ireland. The prophecy was first published in 1595. It consists of 112 short Latin phrases describing the Popes of Rome, starting with Celestine II elected in 1143, up to the Second Coming and Last Judgement. According to the most widespread interpretation of the prophecy, the last but one Pope is Benedict XVI (2005-2013) associated with the phrase Gloria Olivae (“the Glory of Olive”). His rule terminated in the evening on 28 February 2013. The last Pope is referred to as Petrus Romanus (Peter of Rome). Two closing paragraphs of the prophecy contain the following text:

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One of the Quran riddles is unravelled! Jibrail, al-Kawthar and Geser Khan...

  • 11.12.2015
  • 109
  • 12213

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful! The Holy Quran is a revelation sent by Almighty Allah via Angel Jibrail to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

Human mind is not always able to grasp the entire depth and meaning of the revelation. Even today a number of the Quran verses remain unclarified, and one of the major riddles is Surah 108 Al-Kawthar which means The Abundance. This obscure word has caused disputes and disagreements among translators. They cannot come to a single opinion on neither pronunciation nor translation, therefore this word is interpreted differently, mostly as abundance and prosperity. Yet, let us venture to assume the Surah title is one of names or epithets of the most faithful and greatest of Almighty Allah’s Angels – Angel Jibrail (Gabriel)! Being the mentor of all prophets and fulfilling Allah’s Will, Jibrail communicated Allah’s Covenants to the prophets and revealed His Will to them!

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Deep inner feelings. First steps to learning sensory perception

  • 11.01.2016
  • 385
  • 27916

    Before I started expounding this topic, I thought it would be necessary to apply a nonstandard approach to presentation of relevant information, and a different structure of material. Why? In order to avoid stereotypes and clichés, awake greater interest, and let readers deeply realize a particular importance of the topic. Hence, the Preface will be followed by quotations from the AllatRa book as the primary source, defining what deep inner feelings are, and the author of this article kindly asks readers to read the quotations really carefully. I would like to avoid stilted statements, however it’s impossible to do without those, and so I’ll put it straight: your future life totally depends on how you, dear readers, get imbued with the essence of the information given, and not just your life, but your afterlife destiny as well. This is naked truth.

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Personality and Consciousness. Life-worth understanding

  • 07.01.2016
  • 201
  • 6342

In the epoch-making programs No.2 and No.3 of The Silver Thread series, Bodhisattva himself says several times that human Personality and Consciousness are not the same things. That is, I the personality and my consciousness are different things, and my entire life depends on this basic understanding, without exaggeration. I mean my true Life which does not end with the death of my body-shell. Besides, in the programs we find out that Personality is in fact a part of the Holy Spirit. However, he or she can either be enslaved by consciousness or consciously control and use it for his or her purposes, say, like a summer resident in the country uses a shovel to dig up potatoes. This statement makes me ponder over many things.

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Ahura Mazda – the Holy Spirit – Rigden Djappo!

  • 30.01.2016
  • 166
  • 10617

The Preamble of our online project contains quite a bold assumption that currently on the Earth there lives a human incarnation of Ahura Mazda who is also known by other names, such as Osiris, Archangel Gabriel (Angel Jibrail), Quetzalcoatl, Agapit of Pechersk... Yet, who is Ahura Mazda? Supposedly, most of our readers as well as followers of major contemporary religions know nothing about the bearer of this unusual Name, and probably they are not to blame. Over the last centuries, a vast deal of information has been deliberately concealed, cleaned up and distorted by a certain group of people who have written their own version of history for humanity. It’s a great pity, since in ancient times spiritually advanced cultures honoured Ahura Mazda as the Creator and the Lord of Wisdom. In this article we will try to fill in the unfortunate gaps in the knowledge of present-day humanity and perform a comparative analysis based on two sources – the Free Encyclopaedia Wikipedia and the books by Anastasia Novykh, namely Sensei of Shambala – Book IV and AllatRa, where we have found a rather extensive stratum of information about Him.

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Prophecies about the Comforter fulfilled today

  • 26.02.2016
  • 266
  • 31778

    This video is comforting for everyone who’s in spiritual search. It is the present-day reality for entire humanity. It is Love penetrating the depth of one’s soul. It’s the Truth of the Last Time with timer counting down, the Truth about the advent of the Comforter in the last times, about an opportunity for every person to deeply feel the Holy Spirit gift, and a chance to experience genuine Freedom and Love.

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David Wilkerson’s visions of the end times and Second Coming of Christ

  • 20.03.2016
  • 181
  • 23902

    The topic of the Judgement Day and Second Coming of Jesus Christ is quite popular in speeches by Protestant preachers, and I won’t analyse the true causes of that, which, I hope, are clear for many people. Hundreds of Christian denominations originating from the single New Testament, for some reason have different interpretations of what is written in the Holy Bible, though this is totally understandable. For as long as people keep knocking at the heaven door not with love, but with their mind, such splitting and divisions will continue. 

    Yet, the purpose of this article is not to catch anyone in separation or disunity, but to state that millions of faithful Christians all over the world also hear from their missionary pastors about the Doomsday approach and the coming of messiah Jesus Christ, although, if we read Gospels attentively, the Saviour didn’t tell anything regarding his return, however he did mention the Comforter and the Holy Spirit! “The Comforter, which is the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, will teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you” (Gospel of John 14:26)

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Conversations with Imam. Conversation No.3: ”The salvation of the Soul”

  • 08.05.2016
  • 614
  • 31726

Here is the long-awaited third conversation with Imam on the salvation of the Soul, many probably tired of waiting for it, we are sorry, but it turns out that the most important spiritually valuable things meet on the way of their implementation with some obstacles. On the one hand, we are a little used to it and somewhere put up with it, but on the other hand, time slips through fingers like sand and someone invisible urges forward, reminding us of the calendar dates, pointing to the necessity of being in a hurry. And he is probably right, we will try to do it faster...

The first conversation: "Spirituality about which we, for some reason, do not know."

The second conversation: "The doomsday approach. The importance of human unity"

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The Way of St. James. Santiago de Compostela – the Spanish Mecca. Star. The Golden Ratio. Part 4

  • 17.06.2016
  • 303
  • 32616

    In the previous article Star. The Golden Ratio. Places of Power. Ley Lines there was information about the so-called Stellar Road. I mentioned that once I had encountered the Stellar Road, my brain had worked in the “stop and look closely” mode. Herein I have already walked the Stellar Road, gathering pebbles, and there has turned out to be plenty of them. Perhaps, I lost sight of some pebbles, while some I did notice, but decided not to collect them (the Way passes through Southern France, Occitania, Languedoc, one of Cathars’ bases. Most probably, Knights Templar controlled this pilgrimage route in their time). I left these pebbles for those who might possibly desire to follow this Way, just like myself. 

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Predictions by Elder Antony. Is his meeting with Sensei true or fictional?

  • 16.09.2016
  • 367
  • 28394

Several years ago on my personal blog I posted an article entitled Elder Antony. Who is he? Is his meeting with Sensei true or fictional?, where I mentioned how a friend of mine discovered interesting coincidences in descriptions of the elder’s appearance in Birds and a Stone book by Anastasia Novykh (the old monk with whom Sensei met) and in Spiritual Conversations and Guidance book. These two works of literature greatly vary in content, so I never had doubt they were written by different authors at different time. Moreover, I remember very well that I encountered the second book as long ago as in 2002-2004 when it was sold under-the-counter at religious literature stalls (e.g. near metro stations in Kiev) because it was prohibited by the Church, though being actively spread among Orthodox believers. I recall someone even told me where and how I could buy it.

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In quest of... The 11th century. Easter Island and Polynesia (Oceania). Part Four

  • 18.09.2016
  • 153
  • 11764

We kindly recommend you to familiarize yourselves with the previous articles of the series In quest of… A journey to the remote 11th century:


A journey to the remote 11th century series has proved to be much more difficult than I expected, though such difficulty even peps me up. During the last two months I felt ten times sorry for having started the theme. Max Vorontsov and Yura Ignatov who are searching for relevant information on the web also note a similar unclear pressure from outside. A part of my consciousness throws in numerous provocative questions and doubts about the reasonability of continuing the series, but at the same time the other part unexpectedly finds counterarguments, saying without such an analytical material dedicated to the initial preamble the whole website project may come down to a mere collection of authors’ lyrical opinions and lose its ultimate purpose. Therefore, we shall anyway endeavour to continue, though with a slight adjustment in our movement: we will minimize assumptions from our minds and refer only to universally recognized facts and discovered photographs. In particular, in this article we will have very, very many images, since the Pacific Ocean is truly immense.

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The World Tree in legends and myths of peoples of the world

  • 23.11.2016
  • 248
  • 536154

Like the wind plays with leafage, feelings flow from leaf to leaf, from branch to branch – burning like fire, shining and sounding as an inexpressible heartfelt song, the Song of God! Plunging deeper and deeper into the boundless well of feelings! Guards of the Animal Nature are on the alert, endeavouring to steal HUMAN attention, but if you are consistent and have made your choice, you will certainly be rewarded with DIVINE HAPPINESS signifying LIFE.

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I give you just one commandment: LOVE!

  • 10.12.2016
  • 469
  • 20919

Without beating about the bush let me say that, in addition to the unique books by Anastasia Novykh, this is the text to which I have repeatedly recurred lately. The philosophical work entitled The Lost Pages of the Gospel, compiled by Denis Sokolov based on the analysis of sacred texts that make up the Holy Bible and of extant sacred legends, contains major ideas and statements by Jesus Christ. While reading this book, you as if travel through millennia and find yourself sitting in a serene warm evening, near the bonfire under the boundless starry sky, right next to Him – near and dear Jesus – and listen to His words with your soul widely open… 

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Silouan’s Dream. Part III

  • 13.02.2017
  • 377
  • 11102

This is a closing part of the little series dedicated to the help rendered by Mary to all of us. As you have probably understood by the article title, we will talk about Reverend Silouan the Athonite. Recently on our website we touched upon the subject of Ezoosmos – the inner impulse. I believe it would be absolutely fair to attribute the concept of Ezoosmos to the personality’s spiritual path as well, that is in this context such impulse would be an event, e.g. a dream, a vision, or a conversation with someone. Owing to such an event, a person comes to understand he or she is not just a piece of matter, a part of this material world, but something greater…

Such event serves as a sort of an impetus that forces a person to step on the spiritual path, start improving oneself for the better in every day of one’s life, and gradually move in the right direction where he or she has been “pushed”.

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St. Cyril’s Church in Kiev. Wall paintings

  • 28.02.2017
  • 266
  • 17587

Recently I visited Kiev and “accidentally” called at St. Cyril’s Church on 12, Oleny Teligi Street. Although I was entering the church with interest, I did not expect to see anything special there. To tell the truth, I had never been particularly interested in the issue, which was not right as I later on understood. I believe, once you familiarize yourselves with this article you will grasp the reason, dear readers.

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The Annunciation. Archangel Gabriel and Virgin Mary

  • 08.04.2017
  • 201
  • 17708

“In the sixth month Archangel was sent to the Pure Virgin, told Her to rejoice and predicted that the Saviour would come from Her. Having accepted blessing, She conceived the Eternal God who had the ineffable kindness to come into a human body in order to save our souls.”

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Rejoice, highly favoured one, Life is approaching

  • 11.04.2017
  • 472
  • 13666

On the occasion of the Annunciation of Our Most Holy Lady...

“Life is approaching,” he says to me, and his deep blue eyes are luxuriating in heaven.

“Where?” I ask a little confusedly. He, so unusually close, drops his eyelids, and his light eyelashes like ripe ears shield the fathomless heaven that has stood still in his eyes.

I understand without any words. It is he who is now living. The boundless blue waters of heaven have spread inside him.

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Dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Virgin Mary’s apparitions in Fatima

  • 15.05.2017
  • 188
  • 8072

“Where the Virgin creates in a holy way, there is always the Holy Spirit with Her…”

We have written about the apparitions of Virgin Mary in Fatima, Portugal, on this website before (here and here), whereas this article contains a somewhat unusual approach to those events that took place a century ago. I’ve decided to digress from the religious context which has been already elucidated, and to simply look at the Fatima sky. At that, let’s first refer once again to the description of the 100-year-old events.

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The story and destruction of planet Phaeton

  • 07.06.2017
  • 327
  • 27693

“Such possibility certainly exists. Throughout the existence of this civilization the adapted formula of the Initial Sound was given to people six times, and thank God no one globally used it in a negative way as it had happened on Phaeton. Otherwise it would mean overturning of the monad, i.e. total annihilation of humanity, perhaps even together with annihilation of the planet.”

“Is that all so serious?” Nikolai Andreevich asked thoughtfully.

“More than you think.”

“Yet, what happened on Phaeton?” Kostya asked with interest.

“A stupid thing…” Sensei replied with bitterness. “If you add forty-three (43) days to this day, exactly five thousand one hundred and five (5105) years ago destruction of one of the beautiful planets of our galaxy – Phaeton – took place.”

For some reason, our Philosopher hastily started to calculate, moreover he did it aloud.

“So, today we have the twenty eightieth of June, nineteen ninety one (28.06.1991), plus forty-three (43) days and minus five thousand one hundred and five (5105) years ago. It will be… It was…” (Sensei of Shambala – Book IV)

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Islam is the most peace-loving religion!

  • 01.01.1970

The Knowledge has been given to humanity more than once so that people would exactly know the meaning of their existence in this world, live in internal connection with the world of the Almighty, and after the pious earthly life and the body death would deserve to return to their genuine home – to the Creator’s bosom!

However, after the arrival of every Prophet, the forces of evil, being unable to totally destroy or terminate human spiritual evolution, endeavoured to take the lead of spiritual movement right after the Prophets’ departure and establish religion on the basis of spiritual grains left by the Prophets. Put simply, the wolf put sheep's clothing on and skilfully redirected the inner human need of living with God towards serving Iblis.

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Consciousness and Personality.
From the inevitably dead
to the eternally alive
  • <small>Consciousness and Personality. <br/>From the inevitably dead <br/>to the eternally alive</small>


The Truth is One for Everybody
  • The coming cataclysms. Relations between people. Revival of humaneness


  • Illusion and the Way


  • LIFE


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Interesting headings