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Imam Mahdi is in the secular world among us! Sensational investigation and evidence

  • 17.09.2015
  • 412
  • 599786

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful...  

Appeal to Muslims all over the world! A sensational investigation and comparisonof Islamic traditions containing the signs of Messiah Imam Mahdi’s advent with the present-day reality!

Three public interviews with Igor Danilov (Rigden Djappo) (A Frank Dialogue about the Most ImportantThe Meaning of Life: Immortalityand Unity) posted on YouTube urged us, a team of independent analysts, to search supplementary materials and seek answer to the main question: how important is for us, the humanity, such event as public appearance of and open appeal to people by the Spiritual Being called Bodhisattva in the Orient? In our opinion, the advent of such a notable historical figure could not be disregarded in legends and predictions of various religions of the world. We directed our attention to Islam, and what we immediately found really staggered us. Muslim traditions called the Hadith are permeated with predictions that are coming true nowadays, and we will endeavour to give truly sensational evidence in the very article.

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The Shiite prophecy of the Hidden Imam is coming true!

  • 18.09.2015
  • 76
  • 13960

    In Sunni Islam the subject of Imam Mahdi is not elucidated as widely as in the Shiite branch of Islam. Let’s remind to our readers that Sunnism and Shiism are the two major denominations of Islam, established in order to separate and cause contradictions between followers of Prophet Muhammad’s Teaching.

    So, in Sunnism the Advent of Mahdi is not awaited so much, but Shiites have it totally differently. They believe Mahdi is the hidden, long-expected 12th Imam. He has been in concealment until the hour appointed by Allah, and at the appointed hour He will come to the earth to guide Muslims and give the Knowledge on how people should establish a kingdom of justice and prosperity.

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Who is described in thousands of prophecies? Advent of the great spiritual leader!

  • 21.09.2015
  • 318
  • 194721

    From time immemorial, by word of mouth the humanity has been passing words of legendary seers about the advent of the last times, the End of the World, the Judgement Day, when people will forget the sense of their existence and face the final choice. Looking at what is happening around it can be assumed almost with certainly that such times are indeed setting in. Even today’s official science admits the human civilization has reached a deadlock and stands on the brink of ruin. In our studies, to the extent possible we shall endeavour to remain religiously impartial, although the assumption that Messiah is already among us on the earth will run through our entire project. Actually, we are searching for a confirmation or disproof of this unprecedented fact.

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Kiev is the head of Osiris. Which prediction is talked about?

  • 24.09.2015
  • 219
  • 34279

Looking into predictions and prophecies relating to names of the Teachers of humanity, who came to the Earth in ancient historical periods and are considered within the framework of our research, we couldn’t disregard another strange fact, namely the prediction about Osiris. First, there was the article Kiev is the head of Osiris, Which prediction is talked about?, then came the video with a Kiev architect, but, most likely, the initial source was mysterious Anastasia Novykh who gave a hint in one of her books (Ezoosmos) via the following literary dialogue:

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Decryption of I, Pet Goat II prophetic animated video

  • 25.09.2015
  • 387
  • 613809

    Once again we draw your attention to the sensational animated short film I, Pet Goat II that caused such a stir and contains numerous signs and symbols in its fleeting shots, definitely needing decryption. This momentous animation was obviously created with a hidden purpose. We’ve decided to post one of versions of this prophetical puzzle decryption on our website, since the basic subject of the video is what we are mostly interested in: the advent of Messiah and destruction of the old world foundations.


Explanation by the video creator:

First of all, I’d like to say the film came to me in a visual form, like to an artist who sees colours and shapes with his mind’s eye. And I endeavoured to reflect what I saw accurately, not always understanding the meaning. Some symbols were quite evident. To decode others I had to rack my brain over them pretty much. I don’t claim to be an expert in symbolism. I’m just advancing in studying symbols little by little. I don’t claim to know the truth. As I understand, the language of archetypes is filled with much deeper meaning than the language of words. Thus, archetypes may be interpreted in a simplified way only. It’s same as trying to explain a poem.

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The 50th degree of spiritual Freedom! Nostradamus predictions

  • 03.10.2015
  • 271
  • 41193

    While searching for information about the Messiah advent in various prophetic sources, I carefully read predictions by Michel Nostradamus regarding our times and noted a very interesting point which we already mentioned in the article Who is described in thousands of prophecies?, and which was originally contained in the Epistle to Henry:

    …the one will come from the fiftieth degree, who will renew the entire Christian Church, who will liberate people of the world from meek and voluntary slavery, who has given himself for protection against the War and deprived Jupiter (symbol of the supreme god) of all his merits and titles...


    The fiftieth degree? Let’s examine what the 50th degree really is, from where the One capable of liberating the entire mankind from slavery will come. I guess no one will argue slavery here is meant as the social lifestyle, in which we all are bogged down in, following the way of consumer relations.

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Hopi Indian prophecies of the White Brother

  • 08.10.2015
  • 206
  • 45368

    Owing to a comment posted by one of our readers, very interesting information about the prophecy of White Feather from the Hopi tribe has been discovered. We became interested in the topic, supplemented the information, and now post it here for public audience’s attention. In fact, this is another fragment of the overall picture of today’s world, which our remote ancestors were undoubtedly well aware of. We certainly admit predictions have undergone some change over centuries. Nonetheless, the essence remains the same, no matter how human mind would distort it.

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The secret of latitudes 48° and 50° north! Nostradamus predictions

  • 07.10.2015
  • 292
  • 472341

    The ball comes to the player, as they say! The team of independent analysts sincerely thanks everyone who has joined investigation of the issue so important for the entire humanity! Incredible coincidences between present-day facts and predictions by Michel Nostradamus within the framework of our investigation, as described in the article The 50th degree of spiritual Freedom, surprised many people who are in search of the truth. As a supplement to the published material, our readers have sent us two more extracts that we can’t neglect. Here is the first one:


At the beginning of the third millennium, ancient faith will be revived to the north of latitude 48° and unite the nation. These northerners are powerful by their nature, and only alien religion separated them.

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Gabriel standing! Five-century-old prophecy by Ursula Southeil, Mother Shipton

  • 12.10.2015
  • 264
  • 29139

    It’s really amazing: the further we plunge into our search, the more often a strange feeling arises that not we are looking for prophecies and predictions, but rather prophecies and predictions look for and find us! This time, once again, we have “accidentally” discovered staggering information dating back to several centuries ago, which is concordant with and supplements the topic we investigate: the advent of Messiah (Archangel Gabriel).

    In this article we shall speak of predictions by mysterious Ursula Southeil (1488-1561), Mother Shipton, or the Yorkshire witch as she was also called.

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Prediction of the Second Coming of Christ as the Judge. Voiced by Giorgio Bongiovanni

  • 13.10.2015
  • 41
  • 8326

    In his interview to Russian journalists, famous Italian stigmatist Giorgio Bongiovanni tells about the Second Coming of Christ, or more exactly of His advent as the Judge. It should be mentioned we permanently encounter such indication in prophecies and scriptures that the awaited Messiah (Teacher) will judge humanity. From numerous sources we know that Rigden Djappo and Osiris (as one and the same “person”) is the Judge of human souls. We dare warily assume “the Second Coming of Christ” is exactly the coming of Rigden Djappo to the secular world.

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Predictions by Matrona of Moscow regarding the Second Coming of Christ

  • 13.10.2015
  • 82
  • 15420

    Here we cite a prediction by Matrona of Moscow (1881-1952), who was relatively recently canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church and named Saint. By the way, in our previous article Gabriel standing! Five-century-old prophecy by Ursula Southeil, Mother Shipton we referred to an obscure “fiery Dragon” mentioned in Mother Shipton’s tough prophetic poem. Let’s read the relevant extract one more time:

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141 Foresights. Poem by Eugene Gusev

  • 19.10.2015
  • 167
  • 25744

    We couldn’t overlook a prophetic poem by Eugene Gusev, which has become quite popular on the internet. Despite the obscurity and vagueness of his predictions, the poem contains some very clear specifics that we’ve highlighted in red. As for everything else, readers are welcome to guess in their comments.

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The future Saviour Astvat-Ereta – the Implementer of the Truth. Zoroastrianism

  • 19.10.2015
  • 342
  • 441091

We kindly offer everyone to turn our eyes again to the East which from time immemorial has been considered the cradle of Wisdom and Knowledge. Let’s speak of Zoroastrianism and the predictions left by Zarathustra and reflected in the Avesta.

Zoroastrianism (Mazdayasna, Mazdaism) is a very old religion that was formed on the basis of the teaching of Prophet Zarathustra (Zoroaster). The teaching is based on the concept of spiritual and moral freedom of every human being as embodied in good thoughts, good words and good deeds. This religion emerged in the territory of Greater Iran (Persia). The main sacred book of Zoroastrianism is the Avesta (Zend-Avesta) which supposedly consists of 21 texts that have not been preserved in full. Two of those were discovered and translated only in the 18th century. Researchers believe the information now contained in the Avesta was considerably distorted and modified in the Middle Ages. No wonder, for on the basis of the initial Knowledge the religion was established with its strict rules, ethical provisions, rituals, feasts, and other mandatory attributes. According to Zoroastrianism, the name of Messiah is Saoshyant, which in translation from the Avestan language means “the Future Saviour”.

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“Shambhala: Oasis of Light” by Andrew Tomas. About the advent of Maitreya

  • 19.10.2015
  • 176
  • 9797

Once on the web we found a book Shambhala: Oasis of Light by Andrew Tomas, containing very interesting lines regarding the advent of Messiah Maitreya. Who is Andrew Tomas? This man (1906-2001) was initially named Andrey Tomashevskiy. Before the age of 20 he lived in Manchuria where his parents had emigrated due to the revolution in Russia. Later on, for many years he stayed in China, Japan and India, learning from Taoists, Buddhists and Brahmans. Moreover, he could safely be called a disciple of Nicholas Roerich and had first-hand knowledge of Europe, America and Australia. During the last decades of his life Andrew Tomas was formally an Australian citizen, but he said his home was the entire globe.

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What ancient Teaching did Vanga foresee? Bulgarian clairvoyant’s predictions

  • 21.10.2015
  • 119
  • 37427

    Once again we’ve discovered that Vanga, one of the most authoritative visionaries of our times, directly indicated the advent of some Anointed Sovereign and an ancient Teaching to the earth. Circumstances emerge in an amazing way, and every day new facts appear as if out of thin air, for us to collect them into a general set of evidence necessary for those who need a well-reasoned confirmation of our seemingly improbable hypothesis. We should admit the website creation was associated with a bright emotional impulse, while today such impulse is replaced with a sober exploratory consideration. We continue looking for and analysing information and welcome you, our dear not indifferent reader, to join our captivating search. 

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When will Falsehood replace the Truth? A prediction from Ezoosmos book

  • 22.10.2015
  • 150
  • 11055

    Well, we are reaping a rich harvest: a new prediction hasn’t taken long to appear, and has been discovered in the Ezoosmos book by Anastasia Novykh. It’s not directly connected with the considered issue of the Messiah advent; however it deserves particular attention because of the one who uttered the prediction verse. In the context of the Ezoosmos story this strange prophecy was told by Sensei, the main character of all books by Anastasia Novykh. After a month of tenacious and laborious search we still persist in our assumption that Sensei and Igor Danilov are one and the same person, as well as Rigden Djappo, the Shambala Sovereign, the Judge. Following such an introduction, the prophecy lines become really worth reading more carefully. There are decryption variants already available on the internet; here they are:

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Chilam Balam: Mayan mysterious manuscripts. Seven Angels, seven ages

  • 28.10.2015
  • 152
  • 15560

    Continuing the search of records in ancient sources regarding not just the Messiah advent, but also predictions with respect to our epoch as a decisive time, a sort of time crossroads, the time of global human choice, we should certainly mention Maya Indians, the ancient American aboriginal population. It’s no secret that the 2012 end of the world date was widely advertised. Everyone knew about it, studied, feared, and lent an attentive ear to information on the end of Maya calendar and assumptions on what would take place afterwards. Nonetheless, the predicted doomsday didn’t happen, and people quickly started forgetting the subject, in spite of the fact it’s rather interesting and informative. In actual fact, a lot of things of the foretold have come true, though we admit most of predictions are most likely simply unintelligible for us, people with prevailing materialistic world outlook.

    Thus, here we will speak of Mayan mysterious manuscripts called CHILAM BALAM and the 7 Angels (ages) mentioned therein.

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Prophecies of the Avian Man. From the ancient book of Maya

  • 31.10.2015
  • 89
  • 7651

    Here we publish one more prophecy from an ancient book of Maya Indians, which is called the Prophecies of the Avian Man and originates from the North American continent. Judging by the overall disposition of the text, it’s an apocalyptic note warning about big problems that may catch relevant places. The text is taken from one of books by Anastasia Novykh, where it was cited by the main character Sensei (being Rigden Djappo himself, as we assume; see details in the project Preamble). 

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Predictions from Zarathustra’s book. “Oh, best friend, Ahura Mazda!”

  • 13.11.2015
  • 155
  • 18991

    Here we publish a prediction from Zarathustra’s book, relating to nowadays events. The poetic form of a relevant extract and introduction thereto are taken from The Crossroads book (later on we shall perform the book analysis).

    “Well, let’s take another section of Shambala library: Egypt, the second half of the first millennium B.C. The section of the Great Library of Alexandria … A part of the Library was burned down in 47 B.C. Thanks God, Mezhanins quickly reacted to such usual human stupidity in Al Iscandria, and the most valuable items were saved. So, this section contains quite a rare book of prophecies written by Zarathustra who lived in Bactria in the times of king Vishtaspu…

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Edgar Cayce’s prophecies of the Second Coming of Christ

  • 14.11.2015
  • 138
  • 39214

    Edgar Cayce (born on 18 March 1877 in Hopkinsville, Kentucky, USA, died on 3 January 1945 in Virginia Beach, Virginia, USA): American mystic, “healer” and medium; author of thousands of stenographically recorded answers to many different questions, starting with diagnoses and recipes for patients and up to information about the reasons of downfall of former civilizations. Since most of records were made in a special state of trance, resembling sleep, he got the nickname of “the Sleeping Prophet”. His prophetic abilities may be compared to the unique foresight gift of great Nostradamus and legendary Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga. Edgar Cayce performed medical diagnosing via clairvoyance during forty-three years. He left stenographical records of about 30,000 such diagnoses to the Association for Research and Enlightenment, in addition to hundreds of comprehensive reports containing patient evidences and doctors’ notes. In the United States there live hundreds of people who are ready to confirm the accuracy of his diagnoses and efficacy of his suggestions.

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Grigory Rasputin. Spark that will bring the new Word and new Law

  • 14.11.2015
  • 179
  • 10417

    Grigory Yefimovich Rasputin (Novykh; born on 9 (21) January 1869, died on 17 (30) December 1916): peasant from Pokrovskoye Village of Tobolsk Region, Russia. He became world-famous owing to his friendship with the family of the last Russian Emperor Nikolas II. In 1900s, in certain circles of St. Petersburg society he had the reputation of a “tsar’s friend”, “elder”, visionary, and healer. Rasputin’s negative image was widely popularized in Soviet propaganda, and there are still numerous rumours about Rasputin and his impact on the Russian Empire fate.

    As is generally known, history is a very capricious lady, so we won’t irritate it with questionable aftermaths, but only state that Grigory Rasputin, among other things, was respected as a visionary. And very interesting information has been preserved from him regarding our topic of interest.

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Prophecies of Mitar Tarabić regarding a short man

  • 19.11.2015
  • 98
  • 11751

    Mitar Tarabić (1829-1899) was an ordinary semiliterate peasant from the Serbian village of Kremna. At times he had visions which he communicated to local priest Zechariah Zakharić. The latter, in turn, recorded Mitar’s predictions, and that’s the whole story. When the priest died, hid notebook was preserved by his family. The only time the notebook was in danger of being burned was in 1943, when the village was occupied by Bulgarian army. Today, the notebook as a family treasure is kept by Zakharić’s great grandson Dejan Malenkovic. As distinct from texts by famous Michel Nostradamus which are not always easy to decipher, Mitar Tarabić’s prophecies were composed in a totally clear informal language. The records became widely known in early 20th century, when Mitar’s predictions regarding the downfall of the Obrenović royal family of Serbia started coming true one after another with unbelievable accuracy and consistency. It was rumoured in the Balkans that Tarabić’s “dark prophecies” are being realized... 

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Predictions by monk Ragno Nero in the 14th century A.D.

  • 19.11.2015
  • 76
  • 16891

    14th century Franciscan monk Ragno Nero, “the Black Spider”, predictor… The monk’s name became famous only in the late 20th century, when workers found the ancient Oracle book (or the Eternal Book) in the old monastery masonry. The Black Spider precisely predicted dozens of important future events: he foreknew wars and disasters, described destinies of rulers and whole nations. “I’m a mere chronicler”, Nero wrote, “entrusted with great mysteries of mankind.”

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Onisaburo Deguchi: “All religions spring from the same source...”

  • 22.11.2015
  • 83
  • 8069

    Onisaburo Deguchi (1871-1948) was one of active figures in Oomoto religious movement in Japan. In 1898, he got acquainted with Nao Deguchi, founder of Oomoto religion, and soon became one of her leading followers. Onisaburo Deguchi’s the author of numerous publications, including the 81-volume work Reikai Monogatari (霊界物语?). He was engaged in many fields of art, creating paintings, sculptures, calligraphy works, and ceramics. One of the key points of his teaching was close connection between art and religion, as well as the positive influence that works of art have on the world. During his life, Deguchi upheld pacifist views, dressed himself in richly decorated clothing of his own embroidery, and posed as different Buddhist or Shinto deities. When Oomoto religion was persecuted by the Japanese government, he spent almost seven years (1935-1942) in prison... In the West, Deguchi was first and foremost famous by the influence he exerted on Morihei Ueshiba, founder of the Japanese martial art of Aikido, whom he first met in 1919.

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Can those be mere coincidences?

  • 24.11.2015
  • 186
  • 10585

    Today we can observe a cheerless picture of the chaos taking place in the world. All signs indicate the time has come which is mentioned in all prophecies and predictions. However, even such circumstance was so widely promoted for turning masses into zombies that people already refuse to believe in all this, regarding predictions as invented intimidating stories.

    Even the general information available on this website is an incontrovertible evidence of the presence of Mahdi (Islam), the Comforter (Christianity), Maitreya (Buddhism), etc. in the world. But, unfortunately, contemporary people have forgotten how to perform systematic and analytical work. If they seriously reflected, they would sift through this website and verified the entire material contained on it, right after reading one article. However, the point is that most people are mere consumers. They have been trained to clip thinking. You can find out for yourselves what clip thinking is, while I would only like to emphasize an aspect of all this, which is the most important, in my opinion.

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Saint Malachy’s prophecy and Virgin Mary's apparitions in Fatima. What do those have in common?

  • 09.12.2015
  • 322
  • 35113

    After publication of Predictions of the last Pope and flow of interesting comments on that, we decided to elucidate the subject in more detail. The relevant text is historically known as the Prophecy of the Popes and attributed to Saint Malachy (1094-1148), Archbishop of Armagh, Ireland. The prophecy was first published in 1595. It consists of 112 short Latin phrases describing the Popes of Rome, starting with Celestine II elected in 1143, up to the Second Coming and Last Judgement. According to the most widespread interpretation of the prophecy, the last but one Pope is Benedict XVI (2005-2013) associated with the phrase Gloria Olivae (“the Glory of Olive”). His rule terminated in the evening on 28 February 2013. The last Pope is referred to as Petrus Romanus (Peter of Rome). Two closing paragraphs of the prophecy contain the following text:

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Forty signs of the Judgement Day

  • 21.12.2015
  • 212
  • 67893

Numerous facts, prophecies and predictions referred to on our website indicate one and the same thing, and the information below also relates to this significant topic.



“Towards the end of my ummah there will be men who will ride on something like comfortable saddles, and will dismount at the doors of mosques; and their women will be clothed yet naked.” 

This prophecy on the emergence of motor transport (“saddles”) is amazing in its meaning, whereas the present-day garments of fashion-conscious women who are Muslims by blood only accentuate their nakedness. It should be mentioned that today mosques are full of praying people (many of whom come to the mosques on expensive “saddles”), and their wives, sisters and mothers do look clothed and naked at the same time, just like the Prophet (peace be upon him) predicted.

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US dollar collapse: prediction for the nearest future

  • 27.12.2015
  • 189
  • 17343

    Continuing profound examination of the Primordial Knowledge and information associated with it, as brought by spiritual leader Rigden Djappo (or Imam Mahdi, the Comforter, Maitreya, Geser Khan, Kalki Avatar, Saoshyant, etc.), we would like to draw readers’ attention the last year’s Report (dated 26.11.2014) prepared by AllatRa International Public Movement and posted on their official website for public review. The Point of View team does not intend to speculate on fear; we rather try to warn people, because the picture is mirthless, to put it mildly. In some parts the Report looks like a requiem in memory of the technocratic and consumer age, and this is very consonant with Islamic signs of the Judgement Day approach. The Report full title is On the Problems and Consequences of Global Climate Change on Earth. Effective Ways to Solve These Problems”. Its full version may be downloaded here. Suspicions of Rigden Djappo’s involvement in such a sensational publication are purely logical. We don’t think ALLATRA IPM climatologists have taken their stories (terrifying as Hollywood blockbusters about the end of the world) out of nowhere. This is confirmed by information given in the AllatRa book, where the approach of global climatic changes on the planet is repeatedly mentioned, meaning it is vitally necessary to alter the development vector from material, consumer one to spiritual and moral. In the end, to put it radically banal, we believe Bodhisattva cannot act otherwise, but forewarn humanity of the coming trouble.

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There is no America! Vanga’s old prediction first voiced

  • 04.01.2016
  • 285
  • 19078

    The next discovery valuable for our Prophecies section is the 2016 New Year’s programme on NTV channel, telling about the unknown revelations of Bulgarian clairvoyant Baba Vanga whom we’ve earlier written about in detail on our website.

Exactly from Russia a man will come soon, and he will save us...

    These words by her are distinctly heard on the video, although the phrase may be interpreted in different ways, therefore to ensure objectivity we won’t assert so far that she meant Rigden Djappo (Imam Mahdi). However, there is another quite interesting episode in the programme, which relates to America’s fate (the episode starts from minute 39:30), where Sergey Kostornoy, journalist and Vanga’s good friend, for the first time voices a prediction given by the clairvoyant in a narrow circle of close friends, which she asked them not to disclose publicly until a certain time

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Scandinavian prophecies of the coming of Jesus, given in the last century

  • 19.01.2016
  • 123
  • 15075

    This prophecy was made by a 90-year-old Norwegian woman from Valdres in 1968 and concerns events that will take place before the Second Coming of Christ. Evangelist Emanuel Minos once wrote down the prophecy and put it aside, thinking it’s not verisimilar. While looking through his records recently, he realized in astonishment: what seemed improbable in the past has proved to be normal in our society. 

    That Norwegian woman showed herself as passionate Christian and had a good reputation among those who knew her. This is what she saw: 

    “I saw the time before the coming of Jesus and the outbreak of the Third World War. I saw the world like a king of a globe and saw Europe, land by land. I saw Scandinavia and Norway; saw certain things to take place just before Jesus’ return and troubles that we’ve never experienced before.” 

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Islam means Unity

  • 03.02.2016
  • 105
  • 10743

We continue our work launched following the release of the sensational Unity program, where Igor Danilov in particular said that “Islam is the most peace-loving religion”. It’s a research aimed at creation of an integral image of Islam and discovery of its meaning deeper and broader than mass media and some dishonourable institutions and people try to impose on our consciousness.

So, what is Islam, and what is the genuine deep inner meaning of this word?

Lisan al-‘Arab, one of the most authoritative dictionaries of the Arabic language, says the word Islam originates from the verb istaslama (استسلاما) which means “to obey”, “to surrender”, “to admit” or “to capitulate”.

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Asclepius: mourning over contemporary civilization

  • 06.02.2016
  • 185
  • 11460

    “Do you not know, Asclepius, Egypt is an image of heaven, or, to speak more exactly, in Egypt all the operations of the powers which rule and work in heaven have been transferred to earth below? Nay, it should rather be said that the whole Kosmos dwells in this our land as in its Sanctuary. And yet, since it is fitting that wise men should have knowledge of all events before they come to pass, you must not be left in ignorance of this.

    There will come a time when it will be seen that in vain have the Egyptians honoured the deity with heartfelt piety and assiduous service; and all our holy worship will be found bootless and ineffectual. For the gods will return from earth to heaven; Egypt will be forsaken, and the land which was once the home of religion will be left desolate, bereft of the presence of its deities.

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David Wilkerson’s visions of the end times and Second Coming of Christ

  • 20.03.2016
  • 181
  • 23902

    The topic of the Judgement Day and Second Coming of Jesus Christ is quite popular in speeches by Protestant preachers, and I won’t analyse the true causes of that, which, I hope, are clear for many people. Hundreds of Christian denominations originating from the single New Testament, for some reason have different interpretations of what is written in the Holy Bible, though this is totally understandable. For as long as people keep knocking at the heaven door not with love, but with their mind, such splitting and divisions will continue. 

    Yet, the purpose of this article is not to catch anyone in separation or disunity, but to state that millions of faithful Christians all over the world also hear from their missionary pastors about the Doomsday approach and the coming of messiah Jesus Christ, although, if we read Gospels attentively, the Saviour didn’t tell anything regarding his return, however he did mention the Comforter and the Holy Spirit! “The Comforter, which is the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, will teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you” (Gospel of John 14:26)

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Predictions by Elder Antony. Is his meeting with Sensei true or fictional?

  • 16.09.2016
  • 367
  • 28394

Several years ago on my personal blog I posted an article entitled Elder Antony. Who is he? Is his meeting with Sensei true or fictional?, where I mentioned how a friend of mine discovered interesting coincidences in descriptions of the elder’s appearance in Birds and a Stone book by Anastasia Novykh (the old monk with whom Sensei met) and in Spiritual Conversations and Guidance book. These two works of literature greatly vary in content, so I never had doubt they were written by different authors at different time. Moreover, I remember very well that I encountered the second book as long ago as in 2002-2004 when it was sold under-the-counter at religious literature stalls (e.g. near metro stations in Kiev) because it was prohibited by the Church, though being actively spread among Orthodox believers. I recall someone even told me where and how I could buy it.

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“The Sun will rise from the west”: an Islamic prophecy

  • 21.11.2016
  • 155
  • 24459

Probably, many people heard that in Islamic predictions of the approach of the Doomsday, Judgement Day or End Times (read more on our website) there is a strange phrase: “When the Sun will rise from the west.” How should this be understood? Is such a disaster on Earth really possible when the east and the west will interchange? Or is something else meant? In the closing part of one of our earlier articles Keeper of Genesis, Part III. The First Time. The Last Time we encounter an unexpected interpretation of this incomprehensible phenomenon.

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Kiev is a point from where a new age will unfold (from The Third Opening of Power by A. Sidersky)

  • 07.12.2016
  • 317
  • 11411

Here we continue our prophecy search that is very important both for the sake of compliance with our initial goal stated in the Preamble and due to awareness that many people come to the Primordial Knowledge “through consciousness”. In this context, let me draw your attention to the book entitled The Third Opening of Power by the Ukrainian author Andrew Sidersky. The book is very popular among those who actively practise yoga and has undergone as many as nine editions. We won’t dwell neither on philosophy and world views expressed by the main characters in their dialogues, nor on peculiarities of training and psycho-energy techniques discussed. Though the author positions his book as fiction, anyone who has certain knowledge in this field can still figure out not all the information there is fictional, but rather represents “interpretations” of what the author heard, pondered over, experienced, and realized himself (by the way, this is indicated in one of prefaces). 

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Ancient Egypt and the AllatRa sign – a circle and a crescent. Image collection and analysis

  • 02.01.2017
  • 133
  • 20947

In the year 2016, plenty of publications dedicated to Ancient Egypt appeared on our website, probably not by mere chance, if we take into account the earlier mentioned enigmatic prediction regarding the head of Osiris – a special relief outline in Kiev City geography. Today I would like to extend the subject and try to draw a parallel between Ancient Egypt and modern Kiev or, to be more precise, between the remote age of the Pyramids construction and our days when Rigden Djappo brought the Primordial Knowledge. As many of you have guessed, we will discuss the AllatRa sign that we wrote about earlier in the analytical research article The AllatRa sign. A circle and a crescent. Let me refer to the prehistory: the AllatRa book contains several pictures suggesting that the circle-and-crescent sign was revered in Ancient Egypt in the times of several pharaoh dynasties in various millennia.

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The history of Ancient Egypt or a prediction about a present-day country...?

  • 21.04.2017
  • 187
  • 9496

Is this bygone history or a prediction that is coming true nowadays? Perhaps, it is even both, since centuries and millennia pass, while people remain the same, and fooling and enslaving methods don’t change either. The Archons continue leaving their bloody traces of ruin and millions of crushed destinies after themselves. At that, only a few can discern and understand what is happening, concluding that nothing in the human history occurs spontaneously and accidentally.

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Dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Virgin Mary’s apparitions in Fatima

  • 15.05.2017
  • 188
  • 8072

“Where the Virgin creates in a holy way, there is always the Holy Spirit with Her…”

We have written about the apparitions of Virgin Mary in Fatima, Portugal, on this website before (here and here), whereas this article contains a somewhat unusual approach to those events that took place a century ago. I’ve decided to digress from the religious context which has been already elucidated, and to simply look at the Fatima sky. At that, let’s first refer once again to the description of the 100-year-old events.

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Lobsang Rampa about the advent of the Spiritual Leader of the world

  • 25.06.2017
  • 137
  • 14946

We have received extracts from the books by T. Lobsang Rampa, the Buddhist monk and doctor of medicine who became one of the most famous writers in the genre of “20th century esotericism” since the release of his first book The Third Eye in 1956. The extracts relate to the Preamble of our online project dedicated to the advent of the Spiritual Leader of the world. Once a long time ago, when esoteric literature appeared in our country, I read his books, and today I will comment neither the doubtful story of “the Himalayan shaman who worked as a plumber in South West England” nor Rampa’s writings; neither will I give any assessment of him from the Primordial Knowledge perspective. We have the Source freely available, so it is unnecessary to draw parallels or say something at all. At that, I believe we should add a new page to our Prophecies and Predictions section, for after all our project is a research one.

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When the “boot” will creak... Will people hear? Prediction about Italy

  • 03.02.2018
  • 339
  • 32961

Let’s refer to prehistory, so that the subject would be clearer. The well-known climate report prepared by an international group of researchers of AllatRa IPM, which warns about the approaching period of global climate changes on the planet, was issued in 2014. Some people have read it, others cast a cursory glance at relevant online notices, while still others have disregarded it. At that, since the condition of society and the political situation in the world keep aggravating, a conclusion arises that most of humanity have not treated the aforesaid report seriously. “Show us a miracle, then we will trust you,” a quote from the Consciousness and Personality program automatically comes to mind, denoting the words with which people have being meeting prophets throughout the history of mankind. Well, unfortunately, history is repeating itself again.

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The Shiite prophecy of the Hidden Imam is coming true!

  • 01.01.1970

    In Sunni Islam the subject of Imam Mahdi is not elucidated as widely as in the Shiite branch of Islam. Let’s remind to our readers that Sunnism and Shiism are the two major denominations of Islam, established in order to separate and cause contradictions between followers of Prophet Muhammad’s Teaching.

    So, in Sunnism the Advent of Mahdi is not awaited so much, but Shiites have it totally differently. They believe Mahdi is the hidden, long-expected 12th Imam. He has been in concealment until the hour appointed by Allah, and at the appointed hour He will come to the earth to guide Muslims and give the Knowledge on how people should establish a kingdom of justice and prosperity.

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When will Falsehood replace the Truth? A prediction from Ezoosmos book

  • 01.01.1970

    Well, we are reaping a rich harvest: a new prediction hasn’t taken long to appear, and has been discovered in the Ezoosmos book by Anastasia Novykh. It’s not directly connected with the considered issue of the Messiah advent; however it deserves particular attention because of the one who uttered the prediction verse. In the context of the Ezoosmos story this strange prophecy was told by Sensei, the main character of all books by Anastasia Novykh. After a month of tenacious and laborious search we still persist in our assumption that Sensei and Igor Danilov are one and the same person, as well as Rigden Djappo, the Shambala Sovereign, the Judge. Following such an introduction, the prophecy lines become really worth reading more carefully. There are decryption variants already available on the internet; here they are:

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Consciousness and Personality.
From the inevitably dead
to the eternally alive
  • <small>Consciousness and Personality. <br/>From the inevitably dead <br/>to the eternally alive</small>


The Truth is One for Everybody
  • The coming cataclysms. Relations between people. Revival of humaneness


  • Illusion and the Way


  • LIFE


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Project Aim

Interesting headings