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Imam Mahdi is in the secular world among us! Sensational investigation and evidence

  • 17.09.2015
  • 412
  • 599859

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful...  

Appeal to Muslims all over the world! A sensational investigation and comparisonof Islamic traditions containing the signs of Messiah Imam Mahdi’s advent with the present-day reality!

Three public interviews with Igor Danilov (Rigden Djappo) (A Frank Dialogue about the Most ImportantThe Meaning of Life: Immortalityand Unity) posted on YouTube urged us, a team of independent analysts, to search supplementary materials and seek answer to the main question: how important is for us, the humanity, such event as public appearance of and open appeal to people by the Spiritual Being called Bodhisattva in the Orient? In our opinion, the advent of such a notable historical figure could not be disregarded in legends and predictions of various religions of the world. We directed our attention to Islam, and what we immediately found really staggered us. Muslim traditions called the Hadith are permeated with predictions that are coming true nowadays, and we will endeavour to give truly sensational evidence in the very article.

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A Gift of the Holy Spirit

  • 21.09.2015
  • 54
  • 2809

(The Meaning of Life: Immortality program with the participation of Igor Danilov and Father Sergey provoked numerous responses on the web and letters addressed to AllatRa TV channel. The thing is that the digital camera recorded incredible effects throughout the program. A whole wave of discussions arose on the web: “It is real! The digital camera recorded an Angel!”, “The Holy Spirit has been filmed!”, “Manifestation of the Holy Spirit breaks all physical laws!” Below we present one of the letters written by people from different countries.)

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Hopi Indian prophecies of the White Brother

  • 08.10.2015
  • 206
  • 45370

    Owing to a comment posted by one of our readers, very interesting information about the prophecy of White Feather from the Hopi tribe has been discovered. We became interested in the topic, supplemented the information, and now post it here for public audience’s attention. In fact, this is another fragment of the overall picture of today’s world, which our remote ancestors were undoubtedly well aware of. We certainly admit predictions have undergone some change over centuries. Nonetheless, the essence remains the same, no matter how human mind would distort it.

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Islam is the most peace-loving religion!

  • 19.10.2015
  • 94
  • 9219

The Knowledge has been given to humanity more than once so that people would exactly know the meaning of their existence in this world, live in internal connection with the world of the Almighty, and after the pious earthly life and the body death would deserve to return to their genuine home – to the Creator’s bosom!

However, after the arrival of every Prophet, the forces of evil, being unable to totally destroy or terminate human spiritual evolution, endeavoured to take the lead of spiritual movement right after the Prophets’ departure and establish religion on the basis of spiritual grains left by the Prophets. Put simply, the wolf put sheep's clothing on and skilfully redirected the inner human need of living with God towards serving Iblis.

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Prophecies of the Avian Man. From the ancient book of Maya

  • 31.10.2015
  • 89
  • 7652

    Here we publish one more prophecy from an ancient book of Maya Indians, which is called the Prophecies of the Avian Man and originates from the North American continent. Judging by the overall disposition of the text, it’s an apocalyptic note warning about big problems that may catch relevant places. The text is taken from one of books by Anastasia Novykh, where it was cited by the main character Sensei (being Rigden Djappo himself, as we assume; see details in the project Preamble). 

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Chemi Shalev: “FYI: Putin = Gog, Crimea = Magog, the Apocalypse is here and the Messiah is coming”

  • 18.11.2015
  • 59
  • 7623

    Israeli newspaper observer Chemi Shalev discovered parallels between the Ukrainian events and the Bible doomsday prophecies.


    The Second coming of Jesus Christ and the beginning of the end of the world are not too far off, since Crimea seizure by the Russian army is very similar to biblical prophecies of the Apocalypse. In Israeli edition Haaretz Chemi Shalev writes about the likeness of the recent events in Ukraine with the biblical doomsday episodes. In particular, the author refers to the story of Gog and Magog peoples whose invasion’s to shake the world before the second coming of Jesus Christ. Antique historian Josephus Flavius considered that Scythian lands, i.e. the territory of contemporary Ukraine including Crimea, represented Magog. The observer also refers to the Book of Ezekiel, where Gog is mentioned. According to traditional translations of the Bible, Gog is the “chief prince of Meshech and Tuval”, ancient kingdoms near the Black Sea. But the term used for “chief prince” in Hebrew is nesi rosh which could also mean the “ruler,” “president” or “prince” of kingdom Rosh. "So Gog is the prince of Rosh, or the President of Rosh, or, with a little bit of help, the President of Russia,” the article author suggests.

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Islamic branches: what prevents them from uniting?

  • 20.11.2015
  • 73
  • 17266

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful!

Following the overview of Christian denominations, now let’s look at denominations in Islam.

It would be appropriate to entitle this article On the Importance of Unity between Muslims, since our considerations on the root of division in the Muslim world are for the only purpose of reminding all people obedient to Allah’s Will of the vital necessity of Unity and Reconciliation! The present-day challenges faced by the entire humanity urgently require rallying of the whole Muslim world. The recent tragic events in France are just another evidence of such need. If the Islamic world does not unite in the nearest future, certain forces that use the name of Islam for their own inhuman purposes will be able to ensure ruin of the Muslim world. How this may happen?

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The Second Coming of Christ and the end of the world: Bible interpretation

  • 21.11.2015
  • 129
  • 53711

Here we present one of religious views of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, which is based on interpretation of the Holy Bible. We have found this article on the web and considered it appropriate to publish it in our Christianity section with certain amendments. Since we believe our approach to such a significant event as the Second Coming must be as versatile as possible, a different opinion, even from a narrow religious perspective, is always welcome on our portal. Hopefully, the author of these lines truly believes in the advent of Christ and not just uses this “fashionable sacred legend” as a habitual tool to strengthen his or her local earthly power, although to be more precise holy Christian texts tell about the advent of the Holy Spirit or Comforter rather than the return of Jesus Christ. After all, Christ himself said so to the apostles in the Gospel of John 14:15. Therefore, let’s try to treat the information given herein indulgently.

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Avesta. Haiti 28. “I will pray for the works of the Holy Spirit...”

  • 02.12.2015
  • 65
  • 4610



In humble adoration, with hands outstretched I pray to You, O Mazda! First of all, through Your Holy Spirit vouchsafe to me all righteousness of action, all wisdom of the Good Mind, that I may thereby bring joy to the Soul of Creation!


COMMENTARY: The Denkard says, “The first Ahunavaiti Gatha (Yasna 28) is dedicated to grace and piety of Zoroaster (Zarathustra) that emerged owing to the righteousness of his thoughts, words and deeds.” (Denkard 9:28:1) The triad of good thoughts, words and deeds is the foundation of the ethical teaching of Good Faith. Good thoughts, good words and good deeds of Pious Zarathustra are portrayed in his Gathas (Hymns) dedicated to the Immortal Saints (Amesha Spentas).

This dedication opens the first Chapter (Haiti) of the Gathas, which reflects Zarathustra’s prayer and righteousness, as well as his petitions of grace as proclaimed in the Avesta. (Denkard 9:50:2-3)

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From Jesus’ Prayer to the Lotus Flower spiritual practice

  • 10.12.2015
  • 275
  • 15274

Some ten years ago, after reading the book Jesus Prayer: the Experience of Two Millennia, I got impressed and decided to take up this practice seriously. At that time I was interested in Orthodox Christianity only, and I considered no other trends of spiritual development, whether it was occult literature coming into fashion or diverse meditations. As I remember, I took a free day, walked from morning to evening with a wooden rosary in my hand, and muttered under my breath, “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner... Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner...” Little by little, the prayer ceased to be mind-performed and descended deep inside my solar plexus area where it turned further quieter and eventually started sounding as some mysterious, subtle, musical purl from the voluminous heartfelt depth.

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About the last Christmas. Let’s find out what the Pope said

  • 26.12.2015
  • 80
  • 9481

    In the last days Runet was stirred up by the Pope’s apocalyptic statement that this could be the last Christmas in the human history. After we published an article about the last Pope on our website in view of the Fatima prophecy and St. Malachy’s predictions, we couldn’t disregard the news and attempted to clarify whether the following loud journalist wordings are true: “Pope Francis has declared this will be our last Christmas” and “Pope has declared the beginning of the third world war”. Actually, judging by such bleak assumptions as declared to the crowd in St. Peter’s Square, everything coincides and we could be in the position to support the news.

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US dollar collapse: prediction for the nearest future

  • 27.12.2015
  • 189
  • 17344

    Continuing profound examination of the Primordial Knowledge and information associated with it, as brought by spiritual leader Rigden Djappo (or Imam Mahdi, the Comforter, Maitreya, Geser Khan, Kalki Avatar, Saoshyant, etc.), we would like to draw readers’ attention the last year’s Report (dated 26.11.2014) prepared by AllatRa International Public Movement and posted on their official website for public review. The Point of View team does not intend to speculate on fear; we rather try to warn people, because the picture is mirthless, to put it mildly. In some parts the Report looks like a requiem in memory of the technocratic and consumer age, and this is very consonant with Islamic signs of the Judgement Day approach. The Report full title is On the Problems and Consequences of Global Climate Change on Earth. Effective Ways to Solve These Problems”. Its full version may be downloaded here. Suspicions of Rigden Djappo’s involvement in such a sensational publication are purely logical. We don’t think ALLATRA IPM climatologists have taken their stories (terrifying as Hollywood blockbusters about the end of the world) out of nowhere. This is confirmed by information given in the AllatRa book, where the approach of global climatic changes on the planet is repeatedly mentioned, meaning it is vitally necessary to alter the development vector from material, consumer one to spiritual and moral. In the end, to put it radically banal, we believe Bodhisattva cannot act otherwise, but forewarn humanity of the coming trouble.

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Scandinavian prophecies of the coming of Jesus, given in the last century

  • 19.01.2016
  • 123
  • 15076

    This prophecy was made by a 90-year-old Norwegian woman from Valdres in 1968 and concerns events that will take place before the Second Coming of Christ. Evangelist Emanuel Minos once wrote down the prophecy and put it aside, thinking it’s not verisimilar. While looking through his records recently, he realized in astonishment: what seemed improbable in the past has proved to be normal in our society. 

    That Norwegian woman showed herself as passionate Christian and had a good reputation among those who knew her. This is what she saw: 

    “I saw the time before the coming of Jesus and the outbreak of the Third World War. I saw the world like a king of a globe and saw Europe, land by land. I saw Scandinavia and Norway; saw certain things to take place just before Jesus’ return and troubles that we’ve never experienced before.” 

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Denver Airport (Colorado, USA): international hub or ark for the “elite”?

  • 25.01.2016
  • 265
  • 94709

In February 1995 the construction of Denver International Airport (DIA) was completed, which became the largest airport in the USA and second largest in the world (!). Its official cost made up 4.8 billion US dollars! What is known today about this interesting and very “unusual” facility? So, it’s the largest airport in the USA by the occupied area (140 km²). It was constructed in the same district as StapletonInternationalAirport (now defunct), which is quite strange, for one big airport was totally enough for this district. It turns out that the largest US airport was built in ColoradoState that is the 8th largest state by area, 22nd by population and 11th by the GDP. Moreover, let’s mention once again the construction was initiated despite the existence and normal operation of Stapleton!

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The Archons. Who are they, the material world masters? Myths or reality?

  • 28.01.2016
  • 186
  • 47938

Who are archons? Who secretly rules the material world? No modern encyclopaedia or handbook would give you an answer to this question. It’s a sealed secret which ordinary people are unable to unveil so far. Who plans and arranges wars, revolutions, coup d'états? Who regulates price and exchange rate fluctuations? Who prints banknotes and owns the entire global financial system?

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The ideal cities of Hermes Trismegistus and Agapit of Pechersk. The four gates secret

  • 03.02.2016
  • 208
  • 15481

Owing to another tip given in a commentary to one of the previous articles we have found an indication that in old times our semi-literate (as we erroneously imagine) ancestors possessed serious knowledge on construction of both sacred buildings and city fortresses, in particular on application of sacred geometry in construction of building foundations and even whole architectural complexes for the purpose of activating positive features and blocking negative features in local population. In this article we shall talk about quadratic structures that are indicative of the common ancient symbolism of spiritual knowledge as reflected in architectural layouts of temples and churches of various religions, and most amazingly in location of gates to ancient cities and fortresses on different continents of the planet. The outcome of our earlier work on proving the existence of the four human Aspects may be directly linked with a strange pattern in references to the number of main gates in ancient cities and the gates orientation at the four cardinal directions: south, west, north, and east. However, let’s first dwell at length on the architecture stories of two places – Ancient Egypt of the times of Hermes Trismegistus and Kievan Rus of the times of Agapit of Pechersk (times of the reign of Yaroslav the Wise). We shall postpone to later publications a bold assumption that these two highly spiritual Personalities – the ancient Egyptian deity and the revered Orthodox Saint whose relics are kept in Kiev Pechersk Lavra caves – were incarnations of one and the same Spiritual Being who visits the earthly world from time to time, and let’s refer to the sources.

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The revealed secrets of Angkor and Giza plateau – the pendulum of Orion and Draco. Apocalypse now?

  • 03.02.2016
  • 618
  • 68273

    Familiarizing myself with information about Angkor Wat on the web, I discovered almost same things written everywhere; simply speaking, the information was taken from a single source, though many do not refer to that source, as if they wrote it themselves. I will use the same source, but will also indicate the primary source not mentioned by many. The primary source is the book Heaven’s Mirror: Quest for the Lost Civilization by Graham Hancock and Santha Faiia. A connection between Angkor and the sky was ascertained by John Grigsby who cooperated with Hancock in 1996. I refer to the primary source, so that everyone who desires could get to know more detailed information on the subject, while I shall only cite extracts and give some comments.

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The Archons: the history of emergence

  • 08.02.2016
  • 207
  • 18865

Who am I, and what do I live for? What does our world represent? Where did human beings appear on planet Earth from? What is the sense of my existence? Why does every human generation strive for happiness, while the world becomes further crueller and more inhuman? I believe every reader has asked oneself such questions at least once in the lifetime, whereas many truth seekers are concerned with them still today. So, what is wrong? Why is it so difficult in our world to find answers to these questions, so simple and natural for a rational person?

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Angkor Wat. Architecture, frescoes and sacral numbers 7 and 72

  • 29.03.2016
  • 213
  • 20396

    I’ve decided to carry out a deeper analysis of information relating to secrets and mysteries of the sacred city of Angkor Wat in Cambodia after reading the article The revealed secrets of Angkor and Giza plateau – the pendulum of Orion and Draco. Apocalypse now?, recently published on this website. While preparing this material I discovered plenty of interesting data that I intend to share herein. Thus, Angkor Wat is a giant temple complex and the largest religious monument in the world. The complex is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Angkor occupies the area of about 200 square kilometres, whereas recent studies indicate its area could be around 3,000 square kilometres with a population of some half a million people, making it the largest settlement of its time. The temple complex was constructed as three concentric right-angled buildings, the height of which increases towards the centre. The temple is surrounded by a wall of 1.5×1.3 km and an artificial moat filled with water, 3.6 km long and 190 m wide. The internal building consists of five towers and resembles a lotus flower. The central building rises 65 m above the ground.

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Conversations with Imam. Conversation No.3: ”The salvation of the Soul”

  • 08.05.2016
  • 614
  • 31726

Here is the long-awaited third conversation with Imam on the salvation of the Soul, many probably tired of waiting for it, we are sorry, but it turns out that the most important spiritually valuable things meet on the way of their implementation with some obstacles. On the one hand, we are a little used to it and somewhere put up with it, but on the other hand, time slips through fingers like sand and someone invisible urges forward, reminding us of the calendar dates, pointing to the necessity of being in a hurry. And he is probably right, we will try to do it faster...

The first conversation: "Spirituality about which we, for some reason, do not know."

The second conversation: "The doomsday approach. The importance of human unity"

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Kanduk. A myth or reality? Why do children jump out of windows?

  • 03.06.2016
  • 324
  • 35845

We should let you know right away that this analysis is the most psychologically painful of everything published on our website so far, and we’ve dared to start this research due to a number of reasons which we will refer to herein. We’d like to say to people who follow the spiritual path: if you think it’s more important for you now to stay immersed in deep inner feelings and preserve internal tranquillity, you better simply leave this page. For all the rest we impart that this analytical research deals with such destructive phenomenon of the “dark world” as KANDUK.

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“Human Inner World” social media survey

  • 04.06.2016
  • 147
  • 6751

    Nowadays, people rarely have heart-to-heart talks with each other, share innermost things or live in the “here and now” moment. The majority people, in my opinion, are mostly preoccupied with their future: college graduation, decent career, lucky marriage, children, getting an apartment or a house to live in, gaining an influential social status, etc. At that, everyone totally forgets that: “Well, a human being is mortal, but this is half the trouble. The worst thing is that he is sometimes suddenly mortal, that’s the whole point!” (M. Bulgakov, The Master and Margarita) Thus, we are getting prepared for some future life, but are we really living right now, and do we actually think about our inner world? I became interested in whether the situation is completely despairing or there is still hope for spiritual revival.

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The Truth is One for Everyone. Conversation with Igor Danilov

  • 14.07.2016
  • 319
  • 44752

    It’s a unique conversation with Igor Danilov, where the following subjects are discussed: the importance of unification between people prior to the forthcoming events, particularities of relations between people in society and in family, causes and solution of conflicts. And furthermore:

  • Freedom of choice and mutual respect.
  • Exploration of oneself and observation of illusionary games of consciousness. Why is it impossible to perceive the Spiritual World through consciousness?
  • What is spiritual egoism?
  • What is true Love?
  • What does the paradox of life consist in?
  • Particularities of human spiritual emergence. How to focus attention on and live in the Spiritual World.

These and many other topics are addressed in The Truth is One for Everyone program.

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Great Mothers of the World and Goddesses of Mankind

  • 23.07.2016
  • 184
  • 13101

    Having “accidentally” discovered an online collection of images of archaeological artefacts (statuettes and sculptures) devoted to female deities – Mothers of the World, we experienced another culture shock. Based on the primary source it can be concluded the materials were collected by project to whom we express our sincere gratitude. They have brought together an enormous number of facts confirming that in all times, starting from deep antiquity and almost until today, famous and honoured women and female images (also called goddesses) were depicted in various cultures, civilizations and ages, in particular erected of stone, wood or plaster, in frescoes, paintings or bas-reliefs.

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Voice in one’s head. Practical experience. Review

  • 03.08.2016
  • 364
  • 12874

In observation of consciousness it has been noticed that it uses only several tools to seize power over a human Personality. I am happy to state such tools are not numerous, and they are as follows: thoughts (voice in one’s head), pictures (images), and emotions.

In this article let’s review the work of one of such tools – consciousness or a “voice” in one’s head (thoughts that one hears or views mentally). Relevant experiences have been acquired in the course of observation of themselves by different people in everyday life, in particular observation of thoughts that came to their head. Very many people participate in this experiment, thus many stories will be recounted from the third person. The research has several trends one of which is the work of individual consciousness (manifestations of consciousness in a separate individual) and collective consciousness (manifestations of consciousness in a group of people). These trends are quite interesting and closely interrelated. The only thing to be mentioned regarding the work in a group is that different people can receive similar thoughts at the same time: this is a sort of spam mailing, to say in the modern language. However we shall refer to such experiments a little later – in relevant articles dedicated to the trend.

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21 December 2012. Not the end, but the renewal of the world!

  • 06.08.2016
  • 230
  • 7938

In our last year’s article Accidents are not accidental? we wrote that the author Anastasia Novykh had finished writing the modern best-selling book entitled AllatRa on 21 December 2012, which was evidenced by the stylized typewritten commemorative note published on the author’s official website Later on for some reason the note was replaced with the ordinary text, although initially it looked like this:

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Life. Contents. The Truth is One for Everyone (third interview with Igor Danilov)

  • 07.08.2016
  • 810
  • 231566

    Understanding the need to prepare contents of this programme according to our website tradition, I wanted to write down a single word for every broadcast second – LOVE. The words sounding from the screen are surely important, but they are secondary. This programme is an open Gate to the Spiritual World generously endowing everyone who’s open to God with abundance of His Love…

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Who owns the US dollar?

  • 12.08.2016
  • 255
  • 455469

In the history of contemporary world there is a staggering episode which everyone seems to be aware of, though hardly anyone seriously treats it. The highlight of our new program is the US dollar that has turned into a global currency over the last decades and is recognized in the absolute majority of countries. We can say the entire world economy is linked with USD, and people today literally idolize those green notes which for many have become a true deity and often drive them to crime. However, the purpose of this article is not to moralize, for no one actually needs morality on the planet where about seven billion people live for the sake of making money, and where the US dollar is one of the first fiddles in this minor symphony of the material world. Earn, save, grow rich...

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Coming home... or what does Life consist in?

  • 30.08.2016
  • 133
  • 4374

Coming home, the first thing I do is embracing my daughter. I caress her hair, kiss her on both cheeks,... and I think to myself: “How many children are there on the planet Earth who don’t have parents? Who have nobody to caress, embrace and soothe them? Have I done everything today to decrease what I don’t like in this world and to expand what I like?” And I understand I haven’t done everything possible.

Then I go to wash my hands and think: “How many people in the world are deprived of access to pure drinking water, not to mention hot water in a bathroom? How many of them die every day, having no opportunity to wash their body or drink water…?”

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How is the Internet structured?

  • 30.08.2016
  • 148
  • 10351

After the article Who needs this scribble? was released I became interested: what does the World Wide Web represent in fact, and how is its functioning stability secured?

Internet is such a habitual word nowadays. There is already a whole generation of people who don’t know the time when there was no Internet. Many encounter it on a daily basis, others use it from time to time, and still others spend 24 hours enmeshed in the web. Now it’s an enormous depository of diverse information, basically a huge database of the knowledge of contemporary humanity, starting from a permanent magnet machine patented by an enterprising German guy who used to quietly rivet unique aggregates in his garage (before he was arrested), and up to essays and papers on any subjects. Everything depends on the taste and needs of a concrete individual.

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Navels of the World and the Soul of the Mother of Stars

  • 19.09.2016
  • 194
  • 14151

The subject of this material was suggested to us in comments to the article Five points of the Star. Hypotheses in addition to Star, The Golden Ratio series, where we published certain assumptions regarding the symbolism of the name ‘navels of the world / earth’ as ascribed to some geographic points on the planet. According to our experience, once you start searching for information on a given subject you always find more than you initially expected. Hence, in this research we will actually touch upon several topics that have proved to be closely interconnected.

As we have discovered while studying information about the territories where incredible archaeological sites and ancient architectural complexes are located, there are quite a lot of places on our planet, which in various times used to be called the ‘navels of the earth. Since today we don’t have genuine knowledge of the true history of humanity, there are probably many more of such places than official science is aware of.

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Three pillars of spiritual practice

  • 01.10.2016
  • 377
  • 9411

It happens so that I may be reckoned among those who at the initial stage of self-development make no headway for a long time, vainly trying to enter the Spiritual World by means of consciousness. To make it as clear as possible (hopefully, regular visitors of this website have already learnt to distinguish a real pear of that made of papier-mâché) I was trying to force my way into the Spiritual World by means of mind or Devil, just like the absolute majority of believers on the planet. Yes! I was making my way to God with Devil’s help! Probably, it’s the most shocking paradox by which our civilization has punished itself, having lost the Primordial Knowledge and plunged into the swamp of lifeless mental dogmata and distortions.

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The secret of the Permian Animal Style has been uncovered. Part II: Victory over the animal nature

  • 21.10.2016
  • 53
  • 7493

Continuing the first article entitled The secret of the Permian Animal Style has been uncovered. Part I: The lateral animal Aspects, and considering archaeological exhibits kept in private collections and history museums and dating back to the ancient mysterious Perm culture, I would like to draw readers’ attention to the motif that we are already familiar with, i.e. the “standing on the beast” or “trampling on the beast” motif, which according to the Primordial Knowledge is interpreted as a person’s victory over his or her animal nature. This is new incontrovertible evidence that spiritually advanced people once lived in that region. Official history is unwilling to tell, or rather passes over in silence, when those people lived and what became of them.

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Signs all over the world. Museums of Siberia and the Far East

  • 28.10.2016
  • 105
  • 7354

Recently my friends and I, inspired by the knowledge given in the AllatRa book, decided to go on a museum tour across our region in order to receive evidence that the signs and symbols indicated in ALLATRA and other books by Anastasia Novykh are indeed present all over the world.

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The World Tree in legends and myths of peoples of the world

  • 23.11.2016
  • 248
  • 536222

Like the wind plays with leafage, feelings flow from leaf to leaf, from branch to branch – burning like fire, shining and sounding as an inexpressible heartfelt song, the Song of God! Plunging deeper and deeper into the boundless well of feelings! Guards of the Animal Nature are on the alert, endeavouring to steal HUMAN attention, but if you are consistent and have made your choice, you will certainly be rewarded with DIVINE HAPPINESS signifying LIFE.

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The World Mountain – Mount Meru in myths and legends of peoples of the world

  • 27.11.2016
  • 180
  • 35285

The cosmic or World Mountain as axis mundi is mentioned in world mythology just as frequently as the World Tree. As a rule, these two images peacefully coexist, not excluding, but rather being superimposed on each other. The World Tree stretching to the heaven is often placed on top of a giant mountain in the middle of the universe. Both concepts serve as embodiments of the sacred axis in the world structure.

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Among the finds in caves difficult of access... Easter Island again

  • 22.12.2016
  • 79
  • 3993

Once again we refer to Easter Island, the navel of the earth. Perhaps, the subject is not particularly interesting for many readers, but as an ordinary researcher I cannot omit another little “puzzle piece” to be added to our picture and refrain from mentioning it on our website. After the series of articles dedicated to this marvellous corner of the world situated in the middle of the boundless Pacific Ocean (Which secrets are hidden on Easter Island?In quest of… The 11th century. Easter Island and PolynesiaVoice in one’s head and Easter Island) I suddenly wondered: should we assume the island was indeed attended by the great civilizer and Kind Friend of people, is it really possible that no traces of one of the main signs from the Primordial Knowledge has been preserved there? Here is what I discovered while rereading the book Aku-Aku: The Secret of Easter Island by Thor Heyerdahl.

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What is ezoosmos? Let’s discuss

  • 30.01.2017
  • 187
  • 41167

Today I suggest structuring our publication in a way unusual for this online project – as forum communication aimed at looking into the essence of the most fundamental process in the material world, which is called ezoosmos. The thing is that recently I arrived at a number of questions, which I could answer neither on my own nor with the help of mutually interested acquaintances who seemed to be well oriented in the field of spiritual practices.

Well, let me put the question straight:

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Borobudur. The Buddhist stupa

  • 09.02.2017
  • 130
  • 14471

Borobudur is the oldest Buddhist temple in the world and one of the most majestic ones. It is situated on Java Island, Indonesia. The period of construction: 750-850 AD. Its name is translated as “the Buddhist temple on the mountain”. It is the second largest Buddhist temple in the world after Angkor Wat. Constructors erected this monument in the shape of a mandala and an opening Lotus flower on a square base (118 x 118 m) that smoothly turns into a circle.

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The Cucuteni-Trypillian civilization: anthropomorphic plastic art and its sacral meaning

  • 07.03.2017
  • 201
  • 55302

This article contains brief review and analysis of Trypillian anthropomorphic plastic art (hereinafter referred to as TAPA) or, in other words, anthropomorphic items made of burnt clay and associated with Cucuteni-Trypillian archaeological culture. The term anthropomorphic originates from the Greek word anthropomorphos and means “having a human or humanoid image”.

The purpose of this work is to familiarize readers with the aforesaid original culture, as well as to thoroughly extend knowledge of such a unique cultural phenomenon as TAPA. For this we shall analyse it not only from the viewpoint of mainstream science, but also from the perspective of sacral knowledge about the human nature as presented in the books by Anastasia Novykh.

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An Australian legend about the creation of the world and the Mother Goddess

  • 04.04.2017
  • 96
  • 8310

Creation of all things in existence in this world takes place owing to the Feminine Principle. I got convinced of this over again when I accidentally encountered the book Myths and Legends of the Australian Aborigines by W. Ramsay Smith. To be more precise, an assistant in a book shop offered me this book, assuring me it was indeed an interesting source worth reading.

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Lobsang Rampa about the advent of the Spiritual Leader of the world

  • 25.06.2017
  • 137
  • 14946

We have received extracts from the books by T. Lobsang Rampa, the Buddhist monk and doctor of medicine who became one of the most famous writers in the genre of “20th century esotericism” since the release of his first book The Third Eye in 1956. The extracts relate to the Preamble of our online project dedicated to the advent of the Spiritual Leader of the world. Once a long time ago, when esoteric literature appeared in our country, I read his books, and today I will comment neither the doubtful story of “the Himalayan shaman who worked as a plumber in South West England” nor Rampa’s writings; neither will I give any assessment of him from the Primordial Knowledge perspective. We have the Source freely available, so it is unnecessary to draw parallels or say something at all. At that, I believe we should add a new page to our Prophecies and Predictions section, for after all our project is a research one.

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Twin myths and Twin symbolism

  • 06.07.2017
  • 285
  • 458690

A very interesting point repeatedly found in books by Anastasia Novykh is the mythological image of Divine Twins. Twins are mentioned in the books in connection with myths of the universe creation, and also as bearers of the power of the Grail.

For a start, in order to understand this symbolic image and before we refer to relevant quotes from A. Novykh’s books and attempt to draw conclusions on this concept, let us briefly go over twin mythology and see how the said image was presented in various religions…

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Viracocha. The One who came in a time of chaos

  • 31.07.2017
  • 213
  • 429365

We continue searching for historical materials that indirectly relate to the Preamble of our project, and today let me present to readers’ attention some extracts from Graham Hancock’s book Fingerprints of the Gods where a mysterious white-faced “stranger” immortalized in stone as a deity is mentioned. Many millennia ago he came to the South American continent to give knowledge to local people. Not so many myths and legends have remained about him, so it’s difficult to draw any conclusions. Nevertheless, for real seekers of truth the extracts below will be quite useful, for they can reveal a broader picture of relevant events. We will hardly manage to discover who Viracocha was and when exactly the events predicted in legends took place. Perhaps, it was at the time of the last global cataclysm, a great flood which demolished the previous human civilization about 12,000 years ago (the book tells a lot about that), or maybe later. Nonetheless, anyone who is interested in primordial knowledge can draw useful parallels and become stronger in faith that the said events are by no means a tale.

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Allat Daily Universal Meditation

  • 02.10.2017
  • 237
  • 12466

Let me start with a quote from Sensei of Shambala – Book IV by Anastasia Novykh:

“If everyone on the Earth prayed at the same time at least twice a day for all other people… not for themselves, but for the others… May everyone pray to their own God! After all, God is one, and all souls have the same longing for Him. Even if you are an atheist, simply wish happiness and good to all people at that time, but in all sincerity, with all your heart. Those who know how to practice meditation, meditate at that time with a sincere feeling of joy, wishing everyone good and Love. But all people should do this at the same time, at least one allat per day,” Sensei immediately corrected himself, “I mean twelve minutes, then I assure you that during the next 3 allats, that is 36 minutes, no human being would die on the Earth.”

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Spiritual World and spiritual authorities: what is the difference?

  • 19.01.2018
  • 123
  • 6225

Most likely, not everyone understands the issue of spiritual authorities. Let me suggest to take the first step and look into this. Let’s supplement the table together...

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Autogenic Training, Meditation, Prayer, Spiritual Practice

  • 07.02.2018
  • 197
  • 10845

Source: Live conversation with Igor Mikhaylovich Danilov Consciousness and Personality. From the inevitably dead to the eternally Alive – pages 120-131: Several tools are being given, which will help at initial stages of self-exploration and restoration of one’s spiritual personality through good thoughts, words, and deeds.

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Islam is the most peace-loving religion!

  • 01.01.1970

The Knowledge has been given to humanity more than once so that people would exactly know the meaning of their existence in this world, live in internal connection with the world of the Almighty, and after the pious earthly life and the body death would deserve to return to their genuine home – to the Creator’s bosom!

However, after the arrival of every Prophet, the forces of evil, being unable to totally destroy or terminate human spiritual evolution, endeavoured to take the lead of spiritual movement right after the Prophets’ departure and establish religion on the basis of spiritual grains left by the Prophets. Put simply, the wolf put sheep's clothing on and skilfully redirected the inner human need of living with God towards serving Iblis.

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Consciousness and Personality.
From the inevitably dead
to the eternally alive
  • <small>Consciousness and Personality. <br/>From the inevitably dead <br/>to the eternally alive</small>


The Truth is One for Everybody
  • The coming cataclysms. Relations between people. Revival of humaneness


  • Illusion and the Way


  • LIFE


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Project Aim

Interesting headings